What does cowed by mean?

What does cowed by mean?

to frighten someone into doing something, using threats or violence: The protesters refused to be cowed into submission by the army.

Whats the definition for glum?

Definition of glum 1 : broodingly morose became glum when they heard the news. 2 : dreary, gloomy a glum countenance.

What is the synonym of cowed?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for cowed. browbeaten, bullied, hectored, intimidated.

What does it mean to be Smited?

transitive verb. 1 : to strike sharply or heavily especially with the hand or an implement held in the hand. 2a : to kill or severely injure by smiting. b : to attack or afflict suddenly and injuriously smitten by disease.

What’s the synonym for glum?

Some common synonyms of glum are crabbed, gloomy, morose, saturnine, sulky, sullen, and surly. While all these words mean “showing a forbidding or disagreeable mood,” glum suggests a silent dispiritedness.

Is Chilly positive or negative?

It’s chilly in here! That word means “cold,” and it can also mean that someone’s acting in a frosty way. The main meaning of chilly is cold, but this word is often used for emotions too, just like “warm.” A warm person is loving and kind, but a chilly person is unemotional, distant, and quiet.

Is obstinately a word?

a. Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of action; obdurate. b. Characterized by such adherence: an obstinate refusal.

Is cowed a Scrabble word?

Yes, cowed is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the meaning of Toilsomely?

: marked by or full of toil or fatigue : laborious a toilsome task.

What does in winter trenches cowed and glum mean?

“In winter trenches, cowed and glum” Sassoon uses imagery that contrasts significantly from the first stanza. The first stanza uses imagery that connote innocence, simplicity, and happiness. The second stanza uses imagery that connotes coldness, depression, and loss of the will to live.

What is the meaning of the word glum?

Definition of glum 1 : broodingly morose became glum when they heard the news 2 : dreary, gloomy a glum countenance Other Words from glum Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym More Example Sentences Learn More About glum

What does it mean to be cowed in the war?

Sassoon’s diction, such as with the word “cowed”, shows that the soldier is severely affected by the war, both physically and psychologically. The word “cowed” suggests that the subject is hunched inwards, which was a common condition for those soldiers who were suffering from shell-shock.

Is there a glum silence in the room?

There’s no need to look so glum—things will get better soon. There was a glum silence in the room. Recent Examples on the Web But on the eve of the meeting, allies, some stung by Biden’s go-it-alone approach on Afghanistan, were glum about the prospects of extending the deadline.

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