What does EMIS Group do?

What does EMIS Group do?

EMIS Group provides the technology to connect different primary care services, as well as joining them up with wider healthcare services. It means GPs and specialist settings such as diabetes clinics can instantly access a complete picture of the patient’s care.

What does NHS EMIS stand for?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. EMIS Health, formerly known as Egton Medical Information Systems, supplies electronic patient record systems and software used in primary care, acute care and community pharmacy in the United Kingdom.

What does EMIS stand for?


Acronym Definition
EMIS Education Management Information System
EMIS European Mathematical Information Service
EMIS Environmental Management Information System
EMIS Egton Medical Information Systems

Who founded EMIS?

EMIS Group began in March 1987 as Egton Medical Information Systems by Dr Peter Sowerby and Dr David Stables, both GPs in Egton, North Yorkshire, and Tony Jones.

What EMIS now?

EMIS Web is a cloud-based application. EMIS Web often runs much faster if you have a good home broadband connection. You can also connect via your mobile phone’s data connection if your home broadband is not working or you are working elsewhere.

How many GP practices use EMIS?

3,000 GP practices
EMIS – the UK leader in clinical IT systems for joined-up care – has announced a major landmark in the rollout of EMIS Web. Over 3,000 GP practices have now moved to the company’s transformational healthcare system.

How can I get EMIS number?

You can find the EMIS number of the student from the concern coordinator from your school. How to find EMIS Number? EMIS number is a unique number allocated for each student. You can find the EMIS number from the concern person from your school.

How can I get EMIS from home?

1. Install VPN software – EMIS Web only works over a secure encrypted N3/HSCN connection. You will need to install a VPN (Virtual Private Network) application and have a username and password to your local NHS (N3/HSCN) network in order to run EMIS Web. “Cisco VPN client” is the most common application to do this.

Do all GPs use EMIS?

This update to EMIS Web, used by 56% of GPs, is in line with the new NHS Digital interoperability standards, but goes a step further by allowing selective sharing of live data, it added. However, they warned that the voice recognition technology could alter the way that GPs communicate with patients.

What software do GP surgeries use?

SystmOne is a centrally hosted clinical computer system developed by Horsforth-based The Phoenix Partnership (TPP). It is used by healthcare professionals in the UK predominantly in primary care.

What is school EMIS Code?

identifier for a school (usually government-affiliated) in the province of Punjab in Pakistan. Punjab Education Management Information System code.

Who are the leaders of EMIS group?

The EMIS Group Board of directors and senior management team – comprehensive skills and experience to provide effective leadership of the Group. Suzy Foster leads our EMIS Health business. She is responsible for our NHS customers, and for EMIS Health’s end-to-end integrated care solution.

Will EMIS lead the way in health and social care?

Nowhere is this more relevant than in health and social care and she is determined that EMIS Health will lead the way. Shaun is EMIS Group’s Chief Medical Officer. He started with the company in 2003 as clinical design director and was responsible for the clinical architecture of EMIS Health’s flagship product EMIS Web.

What does Alex Eavis do at EMIS?

Alex Eavis leads our insights and analytics business. She is responsible for the development and delivery of new technologies that help our clinical users be more productive, improve outcomes for our patients and advance the health and care system. Alex joined EMIS Group in 2018 when her company, Dovetail Lab, was acquired.

Who is the head of Clinical Governance at EMIS Health?

Shaun is responsible for all aspects of clinical governance/ strategy across EMIS Group. He trained at Cambridge and St Thomas’ Hospital and worked as a cardiologist before becoming a GP principal in 1994. Shaun is also a director of QResearch (EMIS Health’s joint research collaboration with University of Nottingham).

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