What does Prosoma mean?
Definition of prosoma : the anterior region of the body of an invertebrate (such as an arachnid) especially when the segmentation is suppressed or obscured especially : cephalothorax.
Do crabs have a cephalothorax?
crab, crustacean with an enlarged cephalothorax covered by a broad, flat shell called the carapace. Although they are capable of locomotion in all directions, crabs tend to move sideways; swimming crabs have the last pair of legs flattened to form paddles.
Are butterflies Hexapods?
Hexapods are characterized by the presence of a head, thorax, and abdomen, constituting three tagma. Many of the common insects we encounter on a daily basis, including ants, cockroaches, butterflies, and flies, are examples of Hexapoda.
Is cephalothorax found in cockroach?
Answers. Head thorax abdomen is seen in cockroach( just refer ncert)……. Cephalothorax is seen in crustaceans…..
Are spiders Hexapods?
The Hexapoda include insects; the Crustacea include lobster, crabs, and shrimp; the Myriapoda include centipedes and millipedes; and the Chelicerata include spiders, scorpions.
Are cockroaches Hexapods?
Hexapods are characterized by the presence of a head, thorax, and abdomen, constituting three tagma. The thorax bears the wings as well as six legs in three pairs. Many of the common insects we encounter on a daily basis—including ants, cockroaches, butterflies, and flies—are examples of Hexapoda.
Is Prawn a cephalothorax?
The body of the prawn is divisible into Cephalothorax and abdomen. Cephalothorax is made by 13 segments which includes cephalic and thoracic regions. The cephalic region contains 5 segments and thoracic region contains 8 segments.
Is cephalothorax found in earthworms?
Cephalothorax is present in arachnids. Option C is not correct. Option D Metathorax: Metathorax is the segment that bears the hindwings in most winged insects, though sometimes these may be reduced or modified as in flies, the metathorax is usually present in insects not in earthworm.