What does sensible perspiration mean?

What does sensible perspiration mean?

Definition. A form of perspiration in which the body is able to sense the watery fluid as moist on the skin. Supplement. Perspiration enables primates and humans a cooling mechanism to regulate body temperature.

What does perspiration mean in biology?

perspiration, in most mammals, water given off by the intact skin, either as vapour by simple evaporation from the epidermis (insensible perspiration) or as sweat, a form of cooling in which liquid actively secreted from sweat glands evaporates from the body surface.

What does perspiration mean in business?

By conducting thorough and well-rounded research – and learning from our mistakes – we’re filling our minds with the raw material of the creative process. This is the “perspiration” part of the creative process. This is the “incubation” stage of the creative process.

What glands produce sensible perspiration?

Sensible perspiration is produced by eccrine glands, which are also known as merocrine glands.

What is an example of insensible perspiration?

[1] The majority of fluid loss occurs in urine, stool, and sweat but is not limited to those avenues. Insensible fluid loss is the amount of body fluid lost daily that is not easily measured, from the respiratory system, skin, and water in the excreted stool.

What is excessive perspiration called?

Hyperhidrosis (hi-pur-hi-DROE-sis) is abnormally excessive sweating that’s not necessarily related to heat or exercise. You may sweat so much that it soaks through your clothes or drips off your hands.

How does sweat occur?

That’s because cooling your body via sweating relies on a principle of physics called “heat of vaporization.” It takes energy to evaporate sweat off of your skin, and that energy is heat. As your excess body heat is used to convert beads of sweat into vapor, you start to cool down.

Where does our perspiration go?

The sweat leaves your skin through tiny holes called pores. When the sweat hits the air, the air makes it evaporate (this means it turns from a liquid to a vapor). As the sweat evaporates off your skin, you cool down.

How do you use perspiration in a sentence?

Perspiration sentence example

  1. Perspiration ran down the back of her neck.
  2. Dean could feel perspiration form on the top of his lip.
  3. A soft breeze lifted the perspiration from their hair and replaced it with the scent of honeysuckle.
  4. Her body was sticky with perspiration and her clothes were caked with dust.

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