What does the word aardvark mean?

What does the word aardvark mean?

Definition of aardvark : a large burrowing nocturnal mammal (Orycteropus afer) of sub-Saharan Africa that has a long snout, extensible tongue, powerful claws, large ears, and heavy tail and feeds especially on termites and ants.

What does VARK mean in aardvark?

Vark means “pig” or “hog” and is cognate to English’s farrow, which once had greater currency as “young pig,” “to bring forth” a young pig as a sow would, or a “litter of pigs.” Farrow comes from the Old English fearh, which, like vark is also related to our word pork.

Why is aardvark The first word in the dictionary?

The aard- part is the Dutch word aarde, which means “earth” and comes from the same Germanic stock as the English word. (The connection between the two is easier to see in the medieval Dutch form of the word, which was ertha.) The -varken part means “pig”.

What is the scientific name for aardvark?

Orycteropus afer
Aardvark/Scientific names

Is an aardvark a reptile?

The aardvark (/ˈɑːrdvɑːrk/ ARD-vark; Orycteropus afer) is a medium-sized, burrowing, nocturnal mammal native to Africa. It is the only living species of the order Tubulidentata, although other prehistoric species and genera of Tubulidentata are known.

Are aardvarks and anteaters the same?

Anteaters belong to the order Pilosa, while aardvarks belong to the order Tubulidentata. There are four anteater species, and only one aardvark species. One other difference is that anteaters are very hairy and have small ears, while aardvarks have short fur and long ears.

What does aard mean in aardvark?

The word aardvark comes from Afrikaans Dutch, literally meaning “earth-pig,” a combination of aard, “earth,” and vark, “pig.” Definitions of aardvark. nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata.

What is the etymology of the word aardvark?

The word aardvark comes from Afrikaans Dutch, literally meaning “earth-pig,” a combination of aard, “earth,” and vark, “pig.”

Is an aardvark an herbivore?

Are Aardvarks herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores? Aardvarks are Omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.

What animal class is an aardvark?


Is Aardvark a carnivore?

Aardvarks are Omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.

What are aardvarks known for?

expert diggers
Aardvarks, or Orycteropus afer, are known as expert diggers. They can shift away 4 ft (1.2 m) of soil in 30 seconds. They are also known for their pig-like appearance because of their snout. It is also the origin of their name that means earth pig in Afrikaans in South Africa.

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