What is a gsm-19 magnetometer?

What is a gsm-19 magnetometer?

GEM’s GSM-19 (Overhauser) magnetometer is a primary standard in mineral exploration and magnetic observatories. As a standard for magnetic observatories, this system has proven itself – for its high sensitivity, absolute accuracy and long life.

What are the benefits of the gsm-19?

The GSM-19 is our mid-range instrument with excellent benefits for subsurface exploration. The Overhauser system offers an order-of-magnitude increase in sensitivity over GEM’s Proton system and matching sensitivities of some alkali devices.

What is the difference between the gsm-19 and Overhauser?

The Overhauser system offers an order-of-magnitude increase in sensitivity over GEM’s Proton system and matching sensitivities of some alkali devices. With data quality exceeding the standard proton precession, and comparable to the costlier optically pumped cesium magnetometer systems, the GSM-19 is a standard for many applications.

Who is gogem systems?

GEM Systems is the global leader in the manufacture and sale of high precision magnetometers and is the only commercial manufacturer of Overhauser magnetometers and Gradiometers that are accepted and used at Magnetic Observatories over the world.

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