What is a junior Bronze Award?

What is a junior Bronze Award?

The Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn. To earn it, you and your team will identify a community issue you care about. To get started on your Bronze Award, first be sure to complete a Junior Journey and its associated Take Action project.

How do you get Junior Bronze Award?

How to earn the Girl Scout Bronze Award:

  1. Contact your local Girl Scout council.
  2. Build your Girl Scout Junior team.
  3. Explore your community.
  4. Decide on a project to work on.

What is a Bronze Award project?

The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award that a Girl Scout Junior can earn. The project is done as a group but not all girls need to work on the same project. Your girls will need to own their project and that includes coming up with the overall project outline.

Is there a Bronze Award pin?

Bronze Award Pin. The Girl Scout Bronze Award Pin is the highest award for Girl Scouts Juniors and signifies completion of a Bronze Award project. The Junior Girl Scout has gained the leadership and planning skills required to follow through with a project that makes a positive difference in her world.

How do Girl Scouts earn the bronze award?

Girls earn the Girl Scout Bronze Award by completing a journey, and then creating a Take Action project based on their observations of a local issue. As the girls pursue their project, they put the Girl Scout Promise and Law into action.

Can Brownies earn Bronze Award?

A: Yes! Earning the Bronze Award is a team experience for a troop or group of Girl Scout Juniors. If a girl is an individually registered Girl Scout, she will need to partner with other individually registered Girl Scouts in her area.

What age do Girl Scouts get bronze award?

The Bronze Award can only be earned by Girl Scout Juniors (grades 4-5). Q:If a group of girls are bridging from Girl Scout Brownies in the spring, can they then begin work on their Girl Scout Bronze Award activities?

How many hours do you need for a bronze award?

20 hours
Earning the Girl Scout Bronze Award involves the time it takes to complete a Girl Scout Junior journey and a suggested minimum of 20 hours for each girl to build their team, explore their community, choose and plan their project, put their plan in motion, and spread the word to educate and inspire others.

What does the Girl Scout Bronze Award look like?

Earning the Girl Scout Bronze Award involves the time it takes to complete a Girl Scout Junior journey and a suggested minimum of 20 hours for each girl to build their team, explore their community, choose and plan their project, put their plan in motion, and spread the word to educate and inspire others.

How many hours do you need to get a bronze award?

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