What is a proofreading enzyme?

What is a proofreading enzyme?

DNA polymerases are the enzymes that build DNA in cells. During DNA replication (copying), most DNA polymerases can “check their work” with each base that they add. This process is called proofreading. DNA polymerase adds a new base to the 3′ end of the growing, new strand. …

What would happen if DNA polymerase didn’t exist?

What would happen if polymerase I were malfunctioning? DNA replication would be ineffective, the RNA primers would match up with the wrong DNA.

What mistakes can occur when DNA is replicated?

DNA replication is a highly accurate process, but mistakes can occasionally occur, such as a DNA polymerase inserting a wrong base. Uncorrected mistakes may sometimes lead to serious consequences, such as cancer.

How often do mistakes in DNA replication occur?

Errors during DNA Replication result in Mutations In spite of the rules of base-pairing, sometimes mistakes are made during DNA replication. Mistakes occur about once in every 10,000 base pairs and can potentially be disastrous for an organism.

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