What is a trichobezoar?

What is a trichobezoar?

Abstract. Trichobezoars are hairballs or hair-like fibers formed by chewing and swallowing hair or any other indigestible materials. Trichobezoars usually form in the gastric body and are thus prepyloric.

What is bazor?

Picco, M.D. A bezoar (BE-zor) is a solid mass of indigestible material that accumulates in your digestive tract, sometimes causing a blockage. Bezoars usually form in the stomach, sometimes in the small intestine or, rarely, the large intestine. They can occur in children and adults.

Can bezoar be seen on xray?

Abdominal radiographs revealed bezoars in three patients, sonography revealed bezoars in 15, and CT revealed bezoars in all 17. Seven patients had associated gastric bezoars revealed at CT versus only two patients with gastric bezoars revealed at sonography.

Why is it called Rapunzel syndrome?

Rapunzel syndrome is an extremely rare intestinal condition in humans resulting from ingesting hair (trichophagia). The syndrome is named after the long-haired girl Rapunzel in the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. Trichophagia is sometimes associated with the hair-pulling disorder trichotillomania.

What does a trichobezoar look like?

Trichobezoars. Trichobezoars consist of an aggregation of hair and foodstuff and are black, regardless of the patient’s hair color, due to the denaturing of hair protein by gastric acid (Fig. 29.1). The hair is usually the patient’s own, although hair from animals, carpet, or toys is occasionally recovered.

How do you get rid of a bezoar belly?

To help break down and dissolve a bezoar, a doctor may prescribe cola or cellulase for people who have mild symptoms. Cellulase is dissolved in water and taken by mouth for 2 to 5 days. Doctors may also give another drug taken by mouth called metoclopramide.

What is the cause of trichobezoar?

What are the Causes of Trichobezoars? Trichobezoar or an indigestible hair mass in the abdomen results from the accidental or involuntary ingestion of hair. One of the main causes of trichobezoars is the psychiatric condition of trichotillomania.

Can you see a bezoar on an ultrasound?

The diagnostic signs of a bezoar on ultrasonography included an arc-like surfaced intraluminal mass, posterior acoustic shadow and twinkling artifacts. The diagnostic performance of ultrasonography in each patient was compared with a final diagnosis that was surgically or clinically made.

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