What is an example of a dictatorship government?

What is an example of a dictatorship government?

In a dictatorship, a single person, a dictator, has absolute power over the state. Burundi, Chad, Equatorial Guinea and North Korea are contemporary examples of countries run by a dictator.

What are some examples of limited government?

The US government is a prominent example of a limited government. The US constitution limits the power of the federal government. Countries like America, Australia, Japan, and India follow a similar structure of governance. While allowing enough liberty to citizens, democracies also try to grant freedom of commerce.

What is an example of limited government in the US?

An example of a limited government is our own U.S. government. In other words, the U.S. government does not have any power other than that which is granted to it by the U.S. Constitution.

What is the undemocratic?

A system, process, or decision that is undemocratic is one that is controlled or made by one person or a small number of people, rather than by all the people involved.

What is the best antonym for democratic?


  • nontotalitarian.
  • What are two examples of dictatorships?

    Nazi Germany under Hitler and the Soviet Union under Stalin are the leading examples of modern totalitarian dictatorships.

    What is classical conditioning in Political Science?

    Classical conditioning as a potent political strategy. It pairs an object, event or variable that elicits a particular natural or reflexive response (unconditioned stimulus) with a neutral one to a point that only the presence of the latter is required to induce the originally impulsive and event-specific response.

    What are some examples of classical conditioning in everyday life?

    This is the best-known example of classical conditioning, when a neutral stimulus is paired with a conditioned response. Did you know there are many classical conditioning examples in everyday life, too? Let’s explore 10 of them. 1. Smartphone Tones and Vibes

    Did you know Pavlov’s dogs are the best example of classical conditioning?

    Have you heard of Pavlov’s dogs? That’s the experiment conducted by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov wherein his dogs started to salivate when he rang a bell. This is the best-known example of classical conditioning, when a neutral stimulus is paired with a conditioned response.

    What are the 4 types of conditioning?

    Classical conditioning: Neutral, conditioned, and unconditioned stimuli and responses Classical conditioning: Extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, discrimination Operant conditioning: Positive-and-negative reinforcement and punishment

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