What is an irreversible process in sociology?

What is an irreversible process in sociology?

In science, a process that is not reversible is called irreversible. An irreversible process increases the entropy of the universe. Because entropy is a state function, the change in entropy of the system is the same, whether the process is reversible or irreversible.

What is irreversible process explain with example?

Irreversible processes are characterized by the flow of fluids with friction, and sliding friction between any two matters. • An example of an irreversible process is electric current flow through a conductor with a resistance. • An example of an irreversible process is magnetization or polarization with hysteresis.

What are reversible and irreversible process give examples?

Ans: The changes which can be brought back to their original form are known as reversible changes. For example, melting of ice, expansion, or compression of spring. And irreversible changes are those changes in which the matter cannot be brought back to its original state. For example, burning of fuel, etc.

What is the difference between reversible and irreversible?

A reversible process is a change that can be retraced in a reverse (opposite) direction. An irreversible process is a change that cannot be retraced in a reverse (opposite) direction.

What is a reversible process?

A reversible process is defined as a process in which the system and surroundings can be returned to the original conditions from the final state without producing any changes in the thermodynamics properties of the universe, if the process is reversed.

What are the examples of reversible and irreversible?

The freezing of ice and the melting of wax are examples of reversible change. Irreversible Change–A change that cannot be reversed is called an irreversible change. The burning of wood and rusting of iron are examples of irreversible change.

What are reversible and irreversible cell give example?

Irreversible cells are those which require replacement of chemicals. when they give out electricity. Reversible cells are those in which reversible reactions are involved. these cells can brought back to their initial state by applying external potential difference. Example : Daniel cell.

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