What is drop command in Oracle?
Oracle DROP TABLE statement is used to remove or delete a table from the Oracle database. Syntax. DROP [schema_name].
How do I drop a database in Sqlplus?
Dropping a Database with SQL*Plus
- Start SQL*Plus and connect to the target database with administrator privileges, then ensure that the database is either mounted or open with no users connected.
- Remove the datafiles and control files listed in the control file from the operating system.
How do you drop an object in Oracle?
Use the DROP TYPE statement to drop the specification and body of an object type, a varray, or a nested table type. See Also: DROP TYPE BODY for information on dropping just the body of an object type. CREATE TYPE and ALTER TYPE for information on creating and modifying types.
How do I drop a schema in Oracle?
Oracle Database does not drop users whose schemas contain objects unless you specify CASCADE or unless you first explicitly drop the user’s objects. Specify CASCADE to drop all objects in the user’s schema before dropping the user. You must specify this clause to drop a user whose schema contains any objects.
What is drop command in SQL?
We use the SQL DROP Table command to drop a table from the database. It completely removes the table structure and associated indexes, statistics, permissions, triggers and constraints. You might have SQL Views and Stored procedures referencing to the SQL table.
How do I drop an entire schema in Oracle?
Just login into the schema whose objects you want to drop. Yes you can. You can drop the user and thus drop the schema objects. The DROP USER statement is used to remove a user from the Oracle database and remove all objects owned by that user.
How do you drop an object in SQL?
How to safely delete SQL database objects
- Open SQL Server Management Studio.
- Right click the object that is to be deleted and select the Delete option from the drop down list:
- In the Delete object dialog, click the Show dependencies button: