What is in the mid-2001 to mid-2019 detailed population time-series?

What is in the mid-2001 to mid-2019 detailed population time-series?

The mid-2001 to mid-2019 detailed time-series contains the latest available mid-year population estimates and components of change from mid-2019 back to mid-2001. Interactive analysis of estimated UK population change, by geography, age and sex. Annual estimates are for mid-2011 to mid-2016.

Are the 2020 Census results consistent with the odometer data?

The U.S. population total and population change have been adjusted to be consistent with the results of the 2020 Census. The components of population change have not been adjusted and so inconsistencies will exist between population values derived directly from the components and the population displayed in the odometer and the Select a Date tool.

What are the components of a population estimate?

Provided by administrative area, single year of age and sex. National and subnational mid-year population estimates for the UK and its constituent countries by administrative area, age and sex (including components of population change, median age and population density).

Is the age distribution of the UK population affected by ONS?

Whilst the estimated age distribution of the UK population is affected for the period, the total estimates of the UK population remain valid. Further information on the causes of the errors, their impact and how decisions were reached on the approach taken is available in the Quality Management Information document available on the ONS website.

Are small area population estimates (LSOA) data supported by ONS data?

Small Area Population Estimates have recently been subject to an internal ONS quality assurance review. This review recommended that the LSOA data at single year of age should be considered as supporting information and data by five year age band should be further reviewed through the internal quality assurance process.

What are the data in the mid-2011 section?

Please note the data in the Mid-2011 section are population estimates for LSOA’s in England and Wales by Quinary Age and Sex; based on the results of the 2011 Census. On 7 June 2018, the Mid-2002 to Mid-2010 sections were renamed Mid-2002 to Mid-2011 to reflect the data contained in the download for single year of age.

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