What is Kudiveppu?

What is Kudiveppu?

​ Kudiveppu: It is the bride’s first entry to the groom’s residence. It is probably the first chance for women to take over the control of the marriage ceremony. Women welcome both bride and groom inside the house, lead them to ‘Nadumittam’ (central quadrangle of the house).

What are the rituals of Marwari wedding?

As per Marwari wedding traditions, the groom and his family visit the bride’s home for Mudda Tikka or Sagai ceremony. During this occasion, both families exchange gifts and sweets while the couple exchange engagement rings. Sometimes a Roka and a Sagai are merged together to one big function.

What is Ayaniyoonu?

Among Brahmins, the Ayaniyoonu refers to the feasts that the bride and the groom have in their own houses – at the same time – on the day before the wedding.

What is Pudava Kodukkal?

Pudava Kodukkal The traditional marriage function was a simple one, involving just one ritual, the Pudava Kodal. Pudava means a cloth that Kerala women wore traditionally.

What is Sambandham in Kerala?

Act IV of the Malabar Marriage Act, 1896, defined Sambandham as “an alliance between a man and a woman, by reason of which they, in accordance with the custom of the community to which they belong, or to which either of them belongs, cohabit or intend to cohabit as husband and wife.”

What do Marwari brides wear?

These include her bridal jewelry and outfit. These articles are displayed in a public area of the house for all the relatives and the friends of the family to see. The traditional Marwari groom wears either an achkan over which he generally dons a jodhpuri or a sherwani.

What is rokna?

The first function of every Hindu wedding is Rokna or Roka, a Hindu word meaning ‘stop,’ It symbolizes that both the bride and groom have decided to be the soulmates for life, and it’s now time for families to stop the further search and start the preparation for the wedding.

What do you give a girl on Roka?

Top 10 Trending Gifts For Engagement or Roka Ceremony

  • Scented Candles.
  • Bags & Wallets.
  • Surprise Photoshoot.
  • Religious Statues.
  • Tea& Coffee Sets.
  • Dinner Set.
  • Gold Jewellery.
  • Wristwatch.

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