What is rauwolfia serpentina used for?

What is rauwolfia serpentina used for?

Rauwolfia alkaloids belong to the general class of medicines called antihypertensives. They are used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). High blood pressure adds to the workload of the heart and arteries.

Is Rauwolfia a sedative?

It is preferable to purchase the tablet preparations for use with children, since these can be scored to begin with a low dose. Because rauwolfia is sedating, it may be better to take the compound at night.

What is Sarpagandha called in English?

In Malayalam it is known as amalapuri and sarpagandha. Meanwhile, in English it is known as small moon plant and snake dog bane. Its scientific name is rauvolfia serpentina and it belongs to Apocynaceae family.

Why it is called Sarpagandha?

Sarpagandha is taken from the root of a plant named Rauvolfia serpentina or Indian snakeroot, and is a vital drug in Ayurveda used for high blood pressure, asthma, and insomnia. “Some started using spurious drugs in the name of Sarpagandha because of its non-availability,” said Dr. Sulaiman.

Is rauwolfia safe?

Rauwolfia serpentina is a safe and effective treatment for hypertension. The plant was used by many physicians throughout India in the 1940s and then was used throughout the world in the 1950s, including in the United States and Canada.

Can you eat rauwolfia?

For rauwolfia serpentina For oral dosage form (tablets): For high blood pressure: Adults—50 to 200 milligrams (mg) a day. This may be taken as a single dose or divided into two doses.

Is rauwolfia safe to take?

Based on a review of the literature, Rauwolfia appears to be a safe and effective treatment for hypertension when used in appropriate low doses. An equivalent dose of pure Rauwolfia alkaloids, also known as alseroxylon extract or pure reserpine, can also be used to treat hypertension.

Is Sarpagandha good for anxiety?

Sarpagandha is useful in managing the symptoms of anxiety. According to Ayurveda, Vata governs all the movements of the body and functions of the nervous system. Anxiety is mainly caused due to Vata imbalance. Sarpagandha helps reduce the symptoms of anxiety due to its Vata balancing property.

Is Sarpagandha sedative?

Remedies Insomnia Sarpagandha is laden with alkaloids, which hold strong sedative traits that positively influence an agitated brain, mind and central nervous system. It is hence a very useful therapy for insomnia, as it pacifies the mind and promotes deep sleep at night.

Is serpentina bad for kidneys?

We found that R. serpentina was capable of producing highly detrimental effects in our in vitro renal cell system. These results suggest more studies are needed to investigate the safety of this dietary supplement in both kidney and other target organ systems.

How much rauwolfia serpentina 30c should you take per day?

For rauwolfia serpentina Adults—50 to 200 milligrams (mg) a day. This may be taken as a single dose or divided into two doses. Children—Dose must be determined by your doctor.

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