What is Revenue Code 0360?

What is Revenue Code 0360?

Revenue codes represent cost center pertaining to specific purposes, for example revenue code 0360 is for operating room services.

What is the procedure code for hospice?

Hospice and Home Health Care HCPCS Code range Q5001-Q5010.

Does rev code 278 require HCPCS?

Billed charges over $3,000.00 for revenue code 278 will require a vendor’s invoice to support supplies used that correspond to the services rendered. If no HCPCS code is appended to revenue code 278, it will be denied as a contractual obligation to the provider.

Does Medicare pay for hospice date of death?

In instances where a NOE is not timely-filed, Medicare shall not cover and pay for the days of hospice care from the hospice admission date to the date the NOE is submitted to, and accepted by, the A/B MAC (HHH). These days shall be a provider liability, and the provider shall not bill the beneficiary for them.

What are the revocation codes for hospice?

Discharge Status Codes Medicare contractors will set the revocation indicator on a beneficiary’s hospice benefit period when a hospice claim is received with any discharge status code other than 30, 40, 41, 42, 50 or 51 and when occurrence code 42 is not present.

Does rev code 250 require a CPT?

Your intermediary will edit to assure that HCPCS are present when the above revenue codes are billed and that they are valid HCPCS codes. Revenue code 250 does not require HCPCS coding.

What is revenue Code 0710?

0710 in section: 071X – Recovery Room.

What is the 0657 Revenue Code for hospice?

Hospice providers must use revenue code 0657 when billing for pain- and symptom-management services related to a recipient’s terminal condition and provided by a physician employed by, or under arrangement made by, the hospice.

What is the difference between 0652 and 0651?

* Revenue Code 0652 Continuous Home Care must be billed for each date of service on separate claim lines. To receive the Continuous Home Care rate under code 0652, a minimum of 8 hours1 of care, not necessarily consecutive, in a 24-hour period is required. Less than 8 hours is reported under code 0651.

What is the Revenue Code for inpatient respite care?

not present Revenue Code Description 0655 Inpatient respite care 0656* General inpatient care (no respite)/hosp 0657 Physician’s services 0659 Routine home care (low rate)

What does q5006 mean in hospice?

Q5006 – Inpatient hospice facility Q5007 – Long term care hospital Q5008 – Inpatient psychiatric facility Q5009 – Place not otherwise specified Q5010 – facility Hospice residential facility Continuous home care (Q5001-Q5003, Q5009-Q5010) 0652 Respite care (Q5003-Q5009) 0655 General inpatient care (Q5004-Q5009) 0656

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