What is same side interior and same side exterior?

What is same side interior and same side exterior?

The same side interior angles are the angles inside the parallel lines on the same side of the transversal and the same side exterior angles are the angles outside the parallel lines on the same side of the transversal.

How many pairs of same side exterior angles are there?

Each pair of exterior angles are outside the parallel lines and on the same side of the transversal. There are thus two pairs of these angles.

What does same side exterior mean in math?

Two angles that are exterior to the parallel lines and on the same side of the transversal line are called same-side exterior angles. The theorem states that same-side exterior angles are supplementary, meaning that they have a sum of 180 degrees.

Is same side exterior congruent?

Since alternate interior and alternate exterior angles are congruent and since linear pairs of angles are supplementary, same side angles are supplementary.

What does alternate exterior mean in math?

Alternate exterior angles are formed by a transversal intersecting two parallel lines . They are located “outside” the two parallel lines but on opposite sides of the transversal, creating two pairs (four total angles) of alternate exterior angles.

What are same side exterior angles?

What is an example of same side interior angle?

Same-side interior angles are a pair of angles on one side of a transversal line, and on the inside of the two lines being intersected. Angles 4 and 5, indicated in green, are also same-side interior angles. And line t is the transversal line intersecting lines a and b.

Are exterior angles always the same?

Exterior angles of a polygon have several unique properties. The sum of exterior angles in a polygon is always equal to 360 degrees.

What are same side angles?

Same-side interior angles are a pair of angles on one side of a transversal line, and on the inside of the two lines being intersected.

Are same side interior and exterior angles congruent?

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