What is solar pond PDF?

What is solar pond PDF?

A solar pond is a shallow body of water which acts as a solar collector with integral heat storage for supplying thermal energy. Solar ponds are mainly two types: convective solar ponds and non-convective solar ponds. The shallow solar pond and the deep saltless pond are the examples of convective type.

What is solar pond?

A solar pond is a pool of saltwater which collects and stores solar thermal energy. The saltwater naturally forms a vertical salinity gradient also known as a “halocline”, in which low-salinity water floats on top of high-salinity water.

What are the main applications of a solar pond?

Solar ponds can be used to provide energy for many different types of applications. The smaller ponds have been used mainly for space heating and cooling and domestic hot water production, whereas the larger ponds are proposed for industrial process heat, electric power generation, and desalination.

What is working principle of solar ponds?

Solar ponds use randomly permeable salts to control temperature differences, convective and Designed to minimize evaporative losses. The top layer has less salt and the bottom layer has more salt. And it will continue to be down and hot. Solar energy is extracted from the deep surface and used to generate electricity.

What is Solar Pond Slideshare?

 A solar pond is a body of water that collects and stores solar energy. Water warmed by the sun expands and rises as it becomes less dense. Once it reaches the surface, the water loses its heat to the air through convection, or evaporates, taking heat with it.

What is solar pond PPT?

What are the types of solar pond?

Solar ponds are of two types: non-convecting and convecting.

What is solar pond explain with diagram?

A solar pond is a solar energy collector, generally fairly large in size, that looks like a pond. This type of solar energy collector uses a large, salty lake as a kind of a flat plate collector that absorbs and stores energy from the Sun in the warm, lower layers of the pond.

What is non convective solar pond?

… ponds are of two types: non-convecting and convecting. The more common non-convecting solar pond reduces heat loss by preventing convection (the transfer of heat from one place to another by the movement of fluids) with the addition of a concentration of 20–30 percent salt to the bottom level (lower convective…

What are the benefits of solar pond technology?

The use of a solar pond has several benefits. Since it has built-in thermal energy storage, it can be used all year, day and night, regardless of weather. The solar pond is especially attractive as an alternative to fossil fuel technologies in rural areas in less-developed countries where large ponds can be built.

Which salts are used in a solar pond?

The most frequently used salt in solar ponds is NaCl; but other salts have shown their readiness to form salinity gradients in a solar pond.

What are types of solar pond?

What is a solar pond?

This concept is called SOLAR POND. PRICIPLE OF OPERATION AND DECRIPTION OF A SOLAR POND: A solar pond is a mass of shallow water about 1 or 2 metres deep with a large collection area ,which acts as a heat trap. It contains dissolved salts to generate a stable density gradient .

How to estimate the cost of thermal and electrical energy from solar ponds?

The net present value method to estimate the cost of thermal and electrical energy from solar ponds can be estimated as Cth=[CRF*Cṗ+Cm]/np* Si (8.2) Rs/sqm;Cm=maintainance cost of solar pond,Rs/sqm;np=Thermal efficiency of solar pond,Si=average incident solar energy ,k wh / sqm year.

How do we design optimal solar energy systems?

Study of the interaction of these subsystems yields the important guidelines for the design of optimal solar energy systems. System design tools are provided to produce optimal sizing of both collector field and storage so that optimum system designs can be produced.

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