What is state variable representation?

What is state variable representation?

In control engineering, a state-space representation is a mathematical model of a physical system as a set of input, output and state variables related by first-order differential equations or difference equations. The “state space” is the Euclidean space in which the variables on the axes are the state variables.

What is state variable in control system?

State means a set of variables whose knowledge helps us to predict the behaviour of the control system. The state variables are the n variables needed to describe the system’s behaviour, and the state axis is the area where coordinate axes are described.

What is required to represent a system in state space?

The state space representation of a system replaces an nth order differential equation with a single first order matrix differential equation. The state space representation of a system is given by two equations : B is nxr; B is the input matrix, a constant. u is rx1; u is the input, a function of time.

What is a state variable when can you use state space representation?

Definition of State-Space Models State-space models are models that use state variables to describe a system by a set of first-order differential or difference equations, rather than by one or more nth-order differential or difference equations.

How many state variables are associated with the circuit?

Since the circuit has one capacitor and one inductor, we expect two state variables, the capacitor voltage and the inductor current.

What are state variables economics?

The variable Ѕ(t) is a stock variable, also called a state variable, and can only change gradually over time as given by (2). The variable х(t), on the other hand, is a variable that the decision maker chooses at any time. It is often called a control variable.

How many state variables are needed to completely represent the dynamics of the linear series RLC system?

In Figure 3.2 there are two energy- storage elements, the capacitor and the inductor. Hence, two state variables and two state equations are required for the system.

Is the state variable representation of a given transfer function unique explain?

State Space to Transfer Function Note that although there are many state space representations of a given system, all of those representations will result in the same transfer function (i.e., the transfer function of a system is unique; the state space representation is not).

Which of the following is a state variable?

Answer: Heat. The state variable is defined as the variable which depends only on the initial and final state irrespective of the final state. Temperature, pressure, volume are examples of state variables.

What are state variables examples?

In thermodynamics, a state variable is an independent variable of a state function like internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy. Examples include temperature, pressure, and volume. Heat and work are not state functions, but process functions.

Which of the following is are an example for state variable?

Temperature, pressure, volume are examples of state variables. The path variable is defined as the variable which depends on the specific value that is reached.

What is state space representation for discrete time systems?

State space representation for discrete time systems. The dynamics of a linear time (shift)) invariant discrete-time system may be expressed in terms state (plant) equation and output (observation or measurement) equation. Where x(k) an n dimensional slate rector at time t =kT. an r-dimensional control (input) vector y(k).

When is a discrete time system controllable?

A discrete time system is said to be controllable if there exists a finite integer n and input mu(k); k [0,n 1] that will transfer any state (0) x 0 = bx(0) to the state x n at k = n n.

What is state variable model in software engineering?

State variable models are basically time domain models where we are interested in the dynamicsof some characterizing variables called state variables which along with the input represent thestate of a system at a given time.

How are discrete time signals represented mathematically?

2.1 DISCRETE-TIME SIGNALS Discrete-time signals are represented mathematically as sequences of numbers. A se- quence of numbersx, in which thenthnumber in the sequence is denotedx[n],1is formally written as x={x[n]},−∞<∞,(2.1) wherenis an integer.

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