What is Sysmex KX 21?

What is Sysmex KX 21?

This is a Fully Automated Sysmex Cell Counter (Hematolgy Analyzer) from Japan with 18 Parameters, 3 part Differential Count. The analyzer has highly accurate detection technology including precise Sample Rotor Valve (SRV) and floating Discriminators. …

What is the best hematology analyzer?

Top Hematology Analyzer to Look for in 2021

  1. SYSMEX KX-21. Average price: $ 4140.
  2. SYSMEX XP-300. Average price: $ 7938.
  3. SYSMEX XS-1000i. Average price: $ 7104.
  4. BECKMAN COULTER LH 750. Average price: $ 1846.
  5. SYSMEX XN-1000. Average price: $ 6655.
  6. SYSMEX XE-2100. Average price: $ 4854.
  7. SYSMEX SF-3000.
  8. HORIBA MEDICAL ABX Micros 60.

What is CBC sysmex?

Principle. The Sysmex XN-450/XN-430 is a quantitative automated hematology analyzer for in vitro diagnostic use in determining 23 whole blood diagnostic parameters (WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, PLT, RDW-SD, RDW-CV, MPV, NEUT#, LYMPH#, MONO#, EO#, BASO#, IG#, NEUT%, LYMPH%, MONO%, EO%,BASO%, IG%).

What is the use of hematology analyzer?

Hematology analyzers are used to conduct a complete blood count (CBC), which is usually the first test requested by physicians to determine a patients general health status. A complete blood count includes red blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC), hemoglobin, and platelet counts, as well as hematocrit levels.

Which CBC machine is best?

Best CBC Machine/Blood Cell Counters:-

  • Serachem SC 60 Plus Hematology Analyzer.
  • MINDRAY BC-5130 Hematology Analyzer – 5 Part.
  • Mindray BC-20 Hematology Analyzer CBC Machine – Automated.
  • Diatron Abacus 380 Cell Counter – 3 Part.
  • Mindray BC 2300 Blood Cells Counter.
  • Meron MS-2800 Plus CBC Machine.

What is 3 part hematology analyzer?

The 3-part differential analyzer measures the volume of white blood cells electrically and classifies the cells, based on their size, into three groups: a small white blood cell group (lymphocytes), a medium-sized white blood cell group (monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils), and a large white blood cell group ( …

What does a Sysmex do?

Sysmex offers a suite of hematology, urinalysis, hemostasis and flow cytometry analyzers for acute and non-acute care settings. Our unique informatic solutions give you the tools to efficiently manage workflow, decision rules and laboratory information.

How does the Sysmex work?

The Sysmex XE-2100 is a haematology automated analyser, used to quickly perform full blood counts and reticulocyte counts. It can be run on its own, or connected to a blood film making and staining unit. Racks of blood go in on a tray on the right, and come out the left side.

What diseases can be diagnosed with a CBC?

These are some of the health problems that can be identified by a CBC:

  • anemia (low iron)
  • autoimmune disorders.
  • bone marrow problems.
  • cancer.
  • dehydration.
  • heart disease.
  • infection.
  • inflammation.

How do I choose a hematology analyzer?

Choosing a Hematology Analyzer – Factors to Consider

  1. Product features and specifications.
  2. Accuracy level.
  3. User friendliness.
  4. Lab space.
  5. Safety.
  6. Warranty period.
  7. Cost effectiveness.
  8. Efficient data management.

What is difference between 3part and 5-part?

The difference between a 3-part differential cell counter and 5-part cell counter is that – a 3-part cell-counter reports only 3 types of WBCs (neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes) while a 5-part can differentiate all WBC types (neutrophils, lymphocytes, basophils, eosinophils, and monocytes).

What is the kx-21n used for?

With its simplified operation, the KX-21N is an ideal hematology analyzer for a clinic satellite laboratory or research testing. It provides a CBC with 17 reportable parameters and 3-part WBC Differential, which includes an Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC). The results include histograms for WBC, RBC and PLT.

What is the device name for the Sysmex xn L analyzer?

K182389 Device Name Sysmex XN-L Automated Hematology Analyzer Indications for Use (Describe) The Sysmex XN-L analyzer is a quantitative multi-parameter automated hematology analyzer intended for in vitro diagnostic use in screening patient populations found in clinical laboratories.

What are the regulations for the xn-L Automated hematology analyzer?

Re: K182389 Trade/Device Name: Sysmex XN-L Automated Hematology Analyzer Regulation Number: 21 CFR 864.5220 Regulation Name: Automated differential cell counter Regulatory Class: Class II Product Code: GKZ Dated: August 31, 2018 Received: September 4, 2018 Dear Sharita Brooks:

What are the names of some of the Sysmex products?

•CELLCLEAN, CELLPACK, EIGHTCHECK-3WP, STROMATOLYSER-WH are trademarks of SYSMEX CORPORATION. •Cubitainer is a registered trademark of Hedwin Corporation. •Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.

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