What is Sysobjects?

What is Sysobjects?

SYSOBJECTS contains a row for every object that has been created in the database, including stored procedures , views , and user tables (which are an important to distinguish from system tables .)

What is DBO Sysobjects?

dbo. sysobjects is a SQL 2000 construct that is only in SQL 2008 for backward-compatibility reasons. sys. objects contains a row for each user-defined, schema-scoped object that is created within a database, so you wouldn’t have to filter your query at all.

What is Refdate in Sysobjects?

refdate is typically create date, but reserved for internal use by Microsoft. You cannot get the last access date of an object without tracking it with Profiler.

What is UID in Sysobjects?

UID refers to the User ID of the owner of the object… In SQL 2005 and SQl 2008, you can find it in sys.sysobjects. field name UID. Sys.sysobjects. UID =1 is the dbo user.

What is Xtype in Sysobjects?

The sys. sysobjects system compatibility view contains one row for each object that is created within a database, such as functions, stored procedures, constraints, tables and views. One of the columns of the sys. sysobjects system view is the XTYPE which contains the type of object a particular row contains.

What is the use of Information_schema in SQL Server?

INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata, information about the MySQL server such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that are sometimes used for this information are data dictionary and system catalog.

What is sysname in SQL Server?

sysname is a system-supplied user-defined data type that is functionally equivalent to nvarchar(128), except that it is not nullable. sysname is used to reference database object names. To clarify the above remarks, by default sysname is defined as NOT NULL it is certainly possible to define it as nullable.

What is Type P in SQL Server?

P = SQL Stored Procedure. PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure. PG = Plan guide. PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint.

What is Xtype?

xtype is a shorthand way to identify particular components: panel = Ext.Panel , textfield = Ext.form.TextField , etc. When you create a page or a form, you may use these xtypes rather than instantiate objects. For example, items: [{ xtype: ‘textfield’, autoWidth: true, fieldLabel: ‘something’ }]

Which of the following is not stored in the sysobjects system table?

All are stored in sysobjects system table except indexes.

What are the tables in Information_schema?

Chapter 26 INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata, information about the MySQL server such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that are sometimes used for this information are data dictionary and system catalog.

Where is Information_schema SQL Server?

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA views allow you to retrieve metadata about the objects within a database. These views can be found in the master database under Views / System Views and be called from any database in your SQL Server instance.

What is xtype in system view?

One of the columns of the sys.sysobjects system view is the XTYPE which contains the type of object a particular row contains. The value in the XTYPE column can be one of the following object types: AF : Aggregate function (CLR) D : Default or DEFAULT Constraint

Where can I find the xtype column type in SQL Server?

If you look at the sys.sysobjects view, you will see a xtype column listed Object type. Can be one of the following object types: F = FOREIGN KEY constraint IF = In-lined table-function However there is no table in SQL Server that holds this info….or is there?

What is sysobject in SQL Server?

sys.sysobjects (Transact-SQL) Contains one row for each object that is created within a database, such as a constraint, default, log, rule, and stored procedure. This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility.

How do I get the schema name of a sysobject?

select DISTINCT name as ObjectName, USER_NAME(uid) as SchemaName from sysobjects. In earlier releases of SQL Server, databases could contain an entity called a “schema”, but that entity was effectively a database user.

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