What is the cheapest month to fly to Mexico?

What is the cheapest month to fly to Mexico?

Top tips for finding cheap flights to Mexico City High season is considered to be January, November and December. The cheapest month to fly to Mexico City is August.

What are the cheapest travel dates?

Cheap days: In the U.S., Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday are usually cheapest. For international travel, weekdays are usually cheaper than weekends. Expensive days: Fridays and Sundays usually cost more, especially in the U.S.

What months are cheaper to travel?

Cheapest days to fly in the U.S. and Canada

  • January and February.
  • March and April.
  • June, July, August and September.
  • January, February and March.
  • May and June.
  • July, August and September.
  • Shop as you would year-round. Compare airfares.
  • Don’t shop too late, either!

What is the off season for Mexico?

Low season is from the day after Easter to mid-December, when prices may drop 20% to 50%. In beach destinations popular with Mexican travelers, such as Veracruz and Acapulco, prices will revert to high season during July and August, the traditional national summer vacation period.

What is the best month to travel?

The Best Months To Travel In 2019

  • The best months to fly in 2019 will be January and September.
  • Visit a new city in January.
  • Take a bonus summer vacation in September.
  • Hold off on November and December.
  • The most expensive month to fly overall is July.

What’s the best month to go to Mexico?

The best time to visit Mexico is from December to April – during these months, you can enjoy the cactus state while it’s toasty and dry. After a quieter period to dodge the crowds? May and June will be perfect for you.

What month is the cheapest to go to Cancun?

Seasonal Prices Cancun’s high season runs from the end of November to the first week in March, according to Fodor’s. Prices peak from mid-December to mid-January. The cheapest time to visit is from May to November – particularly September and October, the two rainiest months.

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