What is the definition of a domiciliary?
Definition of domiciliary : of, relating to, or constituting a domicile: such as. a : provided or taking place in the home. b : providing care and living space (as for disabled veterans)
What does word rancorous mean?
Definition of rancorous : marked by rancor : deeply malevolent rancorous envy. Other Words from rancorous Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About rancorous.
What is the root word of rancor?
rancor Add to list Share. Or, you might want to remind yourself that rancor has its roots in the word rancid meaning “rotten.” Rancor refers particularly to the sort of ill-will associated with resentment, envy, slow-brewing anger, and a very personal sort of hatred.
What is non domiciliary?
Meaning of non-dom in English abbrevation for non-domiciled: relating to the position of a person who lives in a country but does not have to pay tax there on money they have earned outside the country: The Treasury says there are about 116,000 residents with non-dom status.
How do you use rancorous?
Rancorous in a Sentence ?
- Mr.
- You could say that someone who is always angry and irritable is a rancorous individual, though you might not want to say that to their face.
- I tend to be very rancorous in the morning, when people try to wake me up before it is necessary and I could have slept a little longer.
How do you remember rancorous?
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rancorous The neighbor’s hate was so rank for us that everyone could smell his resentment. Resentment of someone cantankerous.
What is a scintillating person?
adjective. animated; vivacious; effervescent: a scintillating personality. witty; brilliantly clever: a scintillating conversationalist; a play full of scintillating dialogue.
Can you feel rancor?
Meaning of rancor in English. a feeling of hate and continuing anger about something in the past: They cheated me, but I feel no rancor toward/against them.
What does rancor mean in the dictionary?
noun. bitter, rankling resentment or ill will; hatred; malice.