What is the difference between ectoplasm and cytoplasm?

What is the difference between ectoplasm and cytoplasm?

In context|cytology|lang=en terms the difference between cytoplasm and ectoplasm. is that cytoplasm is (cytology) the contents of a cell except for the nucleus it includes cytosol, organelles, vesicles, and the cytoskeleton while ectoplasm is (cytology) the outer granule-free layer of cytoplasm.

What is the difference between the endoplasm and cytoplasm?

Endoplasm is the inner granulated, dense part of a cell’s cytoplasm and ectoplasm is the outer non-granulated layer of the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm-It is a jelly like semi fluid general mass of protoplasm excluding the nucleus but including all other components-cytoplasmic matrix,cell organelles,and cell inclusions.

Is there a difference between cytosol and cytoplasm?

Cytosol is known as the matrix of the cytoplasm. It surrounds the cell organelles in eukaryotes. In prokaryotes, all the metabolic reactions occur here. Thus, we can infer that while cytosol is the fluid contained in the cell cytoplasm, cytoplasm is the entire content within the cell membrane.

What is endoplasm and ectoplasm in cytoplasm?

The main difference between endoplasm and ectoplasm is that endoplasm is the inner, granule-rich, dense part of the cytoplasm of a cell whereas ectoplasm is the outer, non-granulated, clear portion of the cytoplasm.

Which is denser ectoplasm or endoplasm?

Ectoplasm is non-granulated. Endoplasm houses the majority of the cell’s granules and minute structures. Ectoplasm is less dense. Endoplasm is dense.

What are the components of ectoplasm or endoplasm?

The inner dense part of the cytoplasm, and often granulated, is the endoplasm. The clear outer portion of the cytoplasm is the ectoplasm. While the endoplasm is adjacent to the nuclear envelope the ectoplasm lies immediately to the plasma membrane.

What is ectoplasm in cytoplasm?

Ectoplasm (also exoplasm) (from the ancient Greek words ἐκτός (èktòs): outside and πλάσμα: plasma, literally meaning: that which has form) is the non-granulated outer part of a cell’s cytoplasm, while endoplasm is its often granulated inner layer. It is clear, and protects as well as transports things within the cell.

What is the function of the endoplasm in an amoeba?

Endoplasm is the inner part of the cytoplasm. It is composed of granules and various compounds. It is the site for most of the cellular processes. Endoplasm also contributes to the locomotion of the amoeba.

What are the differences between extracellular and intracellular fluids?

The intracellular fluid is the fluid contained within cells. The extracellular fluid—the fluid outside the cells—is divided into that found within the blood and that found outside the blood; the latter fluid is known as the interstitial fluid.

How does extracellular fluid differ from intracellular fluid?

What is the difference between Intracellular and Extracellular Fluid? Intracellular fluid is inside the cell while extracellular fluid is outside the cell.

What is the difference between endoplasm and ectoplasm?

The inner concentrated region of the cytoplasm is called the endoplasm, whereas, the outer region of the cytoplasm is called ectoplasm. Cytosol is known as the matrix of the cytoplasm. It surrounds the cell organelles in eukaryotes. In prokaryotes, all the metabolic reactions occur here.

What is the difference between cytomatrix and endoplasm?

The cell organelle less part of the cytoplasm is called cytomatrix or matrix or hyaloplasm. The central, granular mass in the cytoplasm is the endoplasm while the surrounding clear layer is known as the cell cortex or the ectoplasm.

What is the difference between cytoplasm and cytosol?

Cytosol is the part of the cytoplasm that is not held by any of the organelles in the cell. On the other hand, cytoplasm is the part of the cell which is contained within the entire cell membrane. It is the total content within the cell membrane other than the contents of the nucleus of the cell.

What organelles are contained in the cytoplasm?

All the cell organelles in eukaryotic cells are contained within the cytoplasm. The central, granular mass in the cytoplasm is the endoplasm while the surrounding lucid layer is known as the cell cortex or the ectoplasm. It is in the cytosol that all the metabolic chemical reactions of prokaryotes take place.

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