What is the gel like membrane that lies over the hair cells of the spiral organ of Corti?

What is the gel like membrane that lies over the hair cells of the spiral organ of Corti?

tectorial membrane
The tips of the outer hair cell stereocilia are imbedded in a gelatinous mass called the tectorial membrane which lies on top of the organ of Corti and is secreted from cells (not shown) on the left. When sound is transmitted to the inner ear the organ of Corti begins to vibrate up and down.

What is the gel like structure embedded with the tips of cochlear hair cells?

Hair cells of the semicircular canals are located in three ampullae, one for each of the canals. The tips of the hair bundles are embedded in a gelatinous cupula.

What is the gelatinous cap overlying hair cells of the Crista Ampullaris?

Within an osseous ampulla there is a crista ampullaris, consisting of a thick gelatinous cap called a cupula and many hair cells. When the head rotates, the endolymph in the canals lags behind due to its inertia and acts on the cupula, which bends the cilia of the hair cells.

What contains the organ of Corti?

hair cells
The organ of Corti is located in the scala media of the cochlea of the inner ear between the vestibular duct and the tympanic duct and is composed of mechanosensory cells, known as hair cells.

What is the otolithic membrane?

The otolithic membrane is a fibrous structure located in the vestibular system of the inner ear. It plays a critical role in the brain’s interpretation of equilibrium. The membrane serves to determine if the body or the head is tilted, in addition to the linear acceleration of the body.

What are the hairs on the hair cells of the spiral organ?

Auditory pathway Section through the spiral organ of Corti, magnified. The stereocilia are the “hairs” sticking out of the tops of the inner and outer hair cells.

What is the basilar membrane?

the basilar membrane is found in the cochlea; it forms the base of the organ of Corti, which contains sensory receptors for hearing. The hair cells transduce auditory signals into electrical impulses.

What is the cochlear duct?

The cochlear duct (also known as the scala media) is an endolymph-filled cavity located between the scala vestibuli (upper) and the scala tympani (lower) in the cochlea which is part of the inner ear along with the vestibular apparatus 1,4.

What are hair cells?

Hair cells are the sensory cells of the auditory and vestibular systems. Hair cells are the sensory cells of the internal ear, essential for the senses of sound and balance.

What does the cochlea contain?

Structure of the cochlea. The cochlea contains the sensory organ of hearing. It bears a striking resemblance to the shell of a snail and in fact takes its name from the Greek word for this object. The cochlea is a spiral tube that is coiled two and one-half turns around a hollow central pillar, the modiolus.

What is the vestibuli?

The vestibular duct or scala vestibuli is a perilymph-filled cavity inside the cochlea of the inner ear that conducts sound vibrations to the cochlear duct. It is separated from the cochlear duct by Reissner’s membrane and extends from the vestibule of the ear to the helicotrema where it joins the tympanic duct.

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