What is the meaning of eloquent person?

What is the meaning of eloquent person?

adjective. having or exercising the power of fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech: an eloquent orator. characterized by forceful and appropriate expression: an eloquent speech. movingly expressive: looks eloquent of disgust.

What does eloquence meaning?

Definition of eloquence 1 : discourse marked by force and persuasiveness also : the art or power of using such discourse. 2 : the quality of forceful or persuasive expressiveness.

What is an example of eloquent?

The definition of eloquent is expressive and persuasive. An example of something eloquent is Martin Luther King, Jr’s I Have a Dream speech. An example of someone eloquent is a motivational speaker.

What is the meaning of most eloquent?

[more eloquent; most eloquent] 1. : having or showing the ability to use language clearly and effectively.

How do you use eloquence?

Eloquence sentence example

  1. His eloquence had a great hold upon the masses.
  2. Your eloquence is amazing.
  3. There his eloquence won him consideration.
  4. Speaking in English, he displayed an eloquence and command of the language scarcely excelled by the greatest orators in their own tongue.

What does deftness mean?

1 ease and grace in physical activity. the effortless deftness with which he plays the piano.

What is eloquent in a sentence?

expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively. (2) He waxed eloquent about her talents as an actress. (3) The defence lawyer made an eloquent plea for his client’s acquittal. (4) The pyramids are an eloquent testimony to the ancient Egyptians’ engineering skills.

Is eloquent a skill?

Eloquent people sound smart, regardless of how intelligent they are. The opposite is true as well. Fortunately, eloquence is a skill that can be taught, practiced, and mastered. Here are nine easily mastered techniques to quickly make yourself more eloquent and smarter sounding.

What is eloquent writing?

When something is beautifully, gorgeously, perfectly said (or written), it’s eloquent. Being eloquent requires your words to be smooth, clear, powerful, and interesting. To write or speak in an eloquent way takes a lot of work.

What is the meaning of the word ‘eloquent’?

Definition of eloquent. 1 : marked by forceful and fluent expression an eloquent preacher. 2 : vividly or movingly expressive or revealing an eloquent monument.

What does it mean to be an eloquent writer?

Synonyms & Antonyms of eloquent. 1 able to express oneself clearly and well. an eloquent writer and speaker, Elizabeth Cady Stanton was one of the founders of the women’s rights movement.

What is the synonym for the word ‘eloquent’?

Synonyms for Eloquent: adj. •all (adjective) silver, facile, fluent, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken. •articulate (adjective) fluent, succinct, direct, lucid, intelligible, clear, expressive, articulate, loquacious, well-spoken, glib, smooth. n. • chatty, clean, economical, diffuse, declamatory, crisp, discursive, circuitous.

What does eloquently mean?

Eloquently is defined as something done in an articulate manner, or something that was done with good speaking skills. When you delivered a speech with great conviction and style, this is an example of when you spoke eloquently.

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