What is the meaning of preponderates?

What is the meaning of preponderates?

Definition of preponderate (Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to exceed in weight. 2 : to exceed in influence, power, or importance.

What is the synonym of reproach?

Some common synonyms of reproach are admonish, chide, rebuke, reprimand, and reprove.

What are the synonyms for predominate?

synonyms for predominate

  • hold sway.
  • command.
  • dominate.
  • domineer.
  • govern.
  • manage.
  • outweigh.
  • overrule.

How do you use preponderate?

Preponderate in a Sentence 1. Nick’s selfish girlfriend seems to think that her needs preponderate his when in fact their individual desires are equally important. 2. The health education teacher explained to students that the many risks of smoking preponderate any reasons that they might consider picking up the habit.

What is the meaning of prevarication?

Definition of prevaricate intransitive verb. : to deviate from the truth : equivocate.

Whats reproach means?

1 : an expression of rebuke or disapproval. 2 : the act or action of reproaching or disapproving was beyond reproach. 3a : a cause or occasion of blame, discredit, or disgrace. b : discredit, disgrace. 4 obsolete : one subjected to censure or scorn.

What is the difference between predominant and predominate?

Predominant and predominate are synonymous adjectives. Predominant is the older and much more common form. As an adjective predominate is somewhat more likely to turn up in technical writing than in general writing.

What is the difference between dominate and predominate?

While both of them can be used interchangeably in some sentences, normally “dominate” is used to mean “to have or exert power or influence over something/somebody” “Predominate” on the other hand is mostly used as “to be the most common”.

What is the antonym of Finder?

What is the opposite of finder?

searcher chaser
explorer hunter
pursuer inquirer
investigator seeker

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