What is the special features of Visual Basic 2010 Express?

What is the special features of Visual Basic 2010 Express?

Visual Basic 2010 adds late-binding support to the Dynamic Language Runtime, which offers access to objects from dynamic languages such as IronPython and IronRuby. Simply create an instance to the runtime of the desired dynamic language in order to access its features using standard Visual Basic syntax.

What is Visual Studio 2010 VB Express?

Microsoft Visual Studio Express is a set of integrated development environments (IDEs) developed by Microsoft as a freeware and registerware function-limited version of the non-free Microsoft Visual Studio.

Is Visual Basic Express 2010 Free?

Visual Basic Editor’s Review Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express is a basic and free toolkit to allow you to develop and build applications for the Web, your smart phone, desktop or the cloud.

What is the latest version of Visual Basic Express?

Visual Studio Express 2017
*Visual Studio Express 2017 is available for Windows Desktop developers. This is the final version of Visual Studio Express, and there is not a UWP or Web offering for Visual Studio Express 2017 or later versions.

What are the two major features of Visual Basic?

VB.NET Features

  • VB.NET is not case sensitive like other languages such as C++ and Java.
  • It is an object-oriented programming language.
  • Automatic code formatting, XML designer, improved object browser etc.
  • Garbage collection is automated.
  • Support for Boolean conditions for decision making.

Is Visual Basic and Visual Studio the same?

Visual Basic is a programming language. It is also an IDE. Visual Studio is an IDE that has Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual C# and more built in. Visual Basic is a programming language developed by Microsoft.

Is Visual Studio and Visual Basic same?

What are the special features of Visual Studio 2010?

New features and enhancements in the VS2010 IDE include:

  • enhanced support for multi-targeting.
  • support for call hierarchy of methods.
  • support for parallel programming and debugging.
  • support for XSLT profiling and debugging.
  • support for creating SharePoint applications.
  • quick search.
  • XSD Designer.
  • UML Designer.

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