What is thoracolumbar junction syndrome?

What is thoracolumbar junction syndrome?

The thoracolumbar junction pain syndromes (TLJPS) are defined as an ensemble of painful clinical manifestations involving the low back; hip pain; pubic pain; pseudovisceral pain mimicking gynecologic, urologic, testicular, and lower gastrointestinal pains; and autonomic disturbances related to disturbances that …

Is Maignes syndrome curable?

Robert Maigne in the late 1980s, Maigne Syndrome is an often unrecognized and treatable cause of low back pain. It can be separated into two distinct entities. The central variant is a result of nerve afferent input secondary to changes of facet joint arthropathy at the thoracolumbar junction.

What is Maignes?

Essentially, what occurs in Maigne’s syndrome is that movement is reduced in the transition area of the spine, where the first lumbar vertebra and last thoracic vertebra are connected. Lumbar vertebrae aren’t suited to rotation or twisting like the thoracic vertebrae are, making the site susceptible to problems.

How do you treat thoracolumbar fascia pain?

3 days ago
How Can I Treat Thoracolumbar Fascia Back Pain?

  1. Maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Practice good posture.
  3. Take frequent breaks for stretching and movement when sitting for long periods of time.
  4. Warm up and stretch before exercising or heavy lifting.
  5. Strengthen your core muscles.

What is radiculopathy thoracolumbar region?

Radiculopathy describes a range of symptoms produced by the pinching of a nerve root in the spinal column. The pinched nerve can occur at different areas along the spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar). Symptoms of radiculopathy vary by location but frequently include pain, weakness, numbness and tingling.

Why does my thoracolumbar fascia hurt?

Excessive strain, overuse, repetitive stress or having poor posture when lifting an object or squatting can bring on thoracolumbar pain in the low-, mid- or upper back. Sitting all day can also damage the thoracolumbar fascia.

What is Maine’s syndrome?

Jumping Frenchmen of Maine is an extremely rare disorder characterized by an unusually extreme startle reaction. The startle reaction is a natural occurrence. It is the normal, rapid, involuntary response to a sudden or unexpected stimulus (e.g., a sudden noise or sight).

Where is the thoracolumbar spine?

Thoracolumbar spine is the transitional zone between the stiff thoracic cage and the mobile lumbar spine. Therefore, it is a vulnerable region for injury, including fracture and dislocation.

Can thoraco-lumbar adjusting help with Maigne’s syndrome?

I increasingly begin treatment of the patient with low back pain with thoraco-lumbar adjusting. The upper lumbars are often fixated explaining why the side of hip (called the trochanteric region) is so often very painful. Commonly, sacro-iliac joint fixations may be associated with Maigne’s syndrome.

What are the primary pain mechanisms in Maigne’s syndrome?

The primary pain mechanisms in Maigne’s syndrome are the irritation of the thoracolumbar posterior ramus, inflammation and degeneration of the facet joints in and around the thoracolumbar junction (anywhere between T9-L2), disruption to the intervertebral disc in the thoracolumbar region, and/or other degenerative processes.

What is Maigne syndrome of the lower back?

Maigne syndrome is an often-overlooked source of lower back, hip, and groin discomfort. Spinal dysfunction leading to pain and degeneration is common at transitional sites like the TLJ. The sagittally-aligned lumbar facets limit rotation.

What causes pain in the thoracolumbar area?

Lateral hip, lumbosacral, and groin pain are often due to lumbar spine or hip joint dysfunction. However, the next time you see these symptoms, be sure to assess the thoracolumbar junction (TLJ). TLJ dysfunction, often described as Maigne Syndrome, may result in nerve irritation with referral to the lumbopelvic region.

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