What is using the wrong word called?

What is using the wrong word called?

A malapropism (also called a malaprop, acyrologia, or Dogberryism) is the mistaken use of an incorrect word in place of a word with a similar sound, resulting in a nonsensical, sometimes humorous utterance.

What is another word for typo?

Synonyms for Typo:n. • mix up, misapprehension. •error (noun) defect, fallacy, aberration, misprint, falsehood, blunder, gaffe, misconstruction, misconception, oversight, Other synonyms: • Other relevant words: miscount, miss, clerical error, pressman, typographer, misidentification, compositor, COMP, printer, misplay, Errata,

What happens if you make a typo on a typewriter?

After an error, you just hit the correction key, the typewriter backspaces, and covers over the offending typo. You drag the tape roller across the typo, and it lays a strip of white over the error. Then you roll the page back down to the typing line, and type the correct spelling right over the correction tape.

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