What is wrong with Gabe in fences?

What is wrong with Gabe in fences?

Gabriel Maxson Troy’s brother. Gabriel was a soldier in the Second World War, during which he received a head injury that required a metal plate to be surgically implanted into his head.

Does Gabe die in fences?

Gabe was wounded in World War II and now has a metal plate in his head. The disability money he receives as result of his injury allowed Troy to buy the house that the Maxsons now live in, a source of shame for Troy.

What literary devices are used in fences?

Literary elements such as symbolism, irony, and imagery affect the story of Fences as a whole because it allows the reader to understand the story in depth. They can make connections between scenes and what they really mean.

What are the most important literary devices?

Literary Devices List: 11 Common Literary Devices

  • Metaphor. Metaphors, also known as direct comparisons, are one of the most common literary devices.
  • Simile.
  • Imagery.
  • Symbolism.
  • Personification.
  • Hyperbole.
  • Irony.
  • Juxtaposition.

What does the devil symbolize in fences?

The devil is next important symbol in the play Fences. Troy’s association of the Devil as a harbinger of death comes to represent his struggle to survive the trials his life. The devil in his imagination symbolizes the hostility and the cowardice of the racism.

What are some examples of writing strategies?

Some of the writer’s strategies include alliteration (a string of words with the same initial sound), similes, metaphors/analogies, sensory details (vividly describe sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to engage the reader’s senses), onomatopoeia (writing words that represent the sounds of the things they describe).

What does the trumpet symbolize in fences?

At the end, Gabriel calls upon the gates of heaven to open for Troy by blowing his horn, but his mouthpiece is broken. It’s then that Gabriel begins to sing and dance to welcome Troy into heaven. This brings the play to its end, signifying that all of Troy’s family have grown during the seven years.

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