What is Y full?

What is Y full?

YFull is a DNA analysis service that allows customers to analyze raw data files (BAM and CRAM) obtained from next-generation sequencing (NGS). This fascinating journey to its origins is available to anyone who obtained their raw genomic data through Whole Genome Sequencing.

How often does Y DNA mutate?

Although the Y chromosome locus is the ultimate SNP-STR system, similar linked SNP and STR haplotypes are also available in autosomes (Mountain et al. 2002). A mutation rate of 2×10-3 per generation has been estimated for Y chromosome microsatellites by direct count in deep-rooted pedigrees (Heyer et al. 1997).

What is the oldest Y haplogroup?

The oldest haplogroup is haplogroup A00. This Y-haplogroup indicates a genetic line of people older than what we call homo sapiens, or modern humans. Its age is still being estimated based on mutation rates, but 270,000 years is a close estimate (some researchers claim it could be nearer to 581,000!).

Where is Y DNA haplogroup found?

Y-DNA Haplogroup Geographic Locations. Haplogroup A is found mainly in Southern Africa and represents the oldest Y-chromosome haplogroup. It is believed to be the haplogroup of Y-chromosomal Adam. Haplogroup E1b1a is predominantly found among sub-Sahara African populations.

Where are haplogroup E1b1a and G found?

Haplogroup E1b1a is predominantly found among sub-Sahara African populations. Haplogroup E1b1b is predominantly found around the coast of the Mediterranean. Haplogroup G has an overall low frequency in most populations and is found widely distributed in Europe, northern and western Asia, northern Africa,…

Where is Y-DNA found in Africa?

Y-DNA Haplogroup Geographic Locations Haplogroup A is found mainly in Southern Africa and represents the oldest Y-chromosome haplogroup. Haplogroup E1b1a is predominantly found among sub-Sahara African populations. Haplogroup E1b1b is predominantly found around the coast of the Mediterranean.

What is an mtDNA haplogroup?

Both men and women have an mtDNA haplogroup, since mothers pass it to all of their children. (Only women continue to pass it on to the next generation, which is why mtDNA is associated strictly with your maternal line.) An mtDNA haplogroup assignment is a combination of letters and numbers.

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