What marks the turning point in Swaminathan life?

What marks the turning point in Swaminathan life?

Answer. Answer: The switch to agriculture came at a turning point in his life when he witnessed the Great Bengal famine of 1943.

How did Swami feel when his father gave him a sum to do?

2 The Story Swaminathan’s(Swami’s) father had given him a sum about mangoes. The more Swami looked at the Sum, he felt more clueless. When his father gave the problem, he wondered what kind of man would Rama be. Without knowing the quality of the mangoes he was not sure if the price was fair.

Why was Swaminathan in his father’s room?

1) On Saturday, Swami prepares excitedly to host Rajam, who has promised to come to his house that afternoon. Swami wonders where to host Rajam and realizes that, because his father will be out at court, he can host Rajam in his father’s room, pretending that the room is Swami’s own.

What did Father do with Swaminathan’s ear?

Answer. Answer: Father ordered Swami that he had to go to school, no amount of protest from Swami was given an ear to. He also gave a long letter to the headmaster and told Swami to go to his class.

How did the doctor promise Swami?

Answer: Swami tells the doctor the importance of practice for the match. Hence the doctor promises Swami that he would talk to Swami’s headmaster and would request him to let Swami off after four-thirty.

Did Swami and his grandmother share a good rapport?

He and his Grandmother shared a very unique bond filled with love. Explanation: It took some time for his Grandmother to understand the fact that it will be swami who is going to take care of her. But eventually, she did.

What are turning points in history?

The dictionary defines “turning point” as a point at which a decisive change takes place. So a turning point in history is more than just an important event that happened a long time ago. It is an idea, event or action that directly, and sometimes indirectly, caused change.

Who suggested the title Swami and Friends?


How did Father know Swaminathan had not been studying at all?

what did Father do about it? Swaminathan’s Father know that swaminathan had not been studying at all because swaminathan couldn’t even solved an easy sum. This made Father knew that swami (his son)Was not studying at all.

How do you find turning points?

First, identify the leading term of the polynomial function if the function were expanded. Then, identify the degree of the polynomial function. This polynomial function is of degree 4. The maximum number of turning points is 4 – 1 = 3.

What is a turning point essay?

What is the Turning Points program? Teachers and peers help students through a process of self-reflection and discussion about a significant event – a turning point – in their lives. Students then write an essay about that event to relate its significance to their present situation – and to their future.

Why did Swami feel utterly helpless?

Swami felt utterly helpless because his father would not tell him if the mangoes were ripe or not. He strongly felt that he could solve the sum if he knew whether they were ripe or not. Since his father was not telling him what he wanted to know, he felt utterly helpless.

What was the correct answer to the question asked by Swaminathan’s father?

Ans: Swaminathan’s father wanted to know the price of fifteen mangoes because only then they could find the answer to the question—the cost of four mangoes.

What made Swami displeased and why?

Swami was displeased because the courts were closed which meant that his father would be going home during the noontime. He did want his father to overlook his activities and his playtime with his friends named Rajam and Mani. His father would ask him to read all the time and follow whatever he had asked him to do.

How do you conclude Swami as a boy?

From the story, we can conclude that Swami is a highly sensitive and perceptive child. He is exceptionally responsive to various stimuli and also has an unusually active imagination. In short, Swami sees the world differently from the average child.

What does Swaminathan think of when he reads the sum?

Swaminathan gazed and gazed at this sum, and every time he read it, it seemed to acquire a new meaning. He had the feeling of having stepped into a fearful maze. Somehow, one couldn’t help feeling that he must have been like Sankar, with his ten mangoes and his iron determination to get fifteen annas.

What larger picture does the story of Swami and his friends depict?

What larger picture does the story of Swami and his friends depict? The four friend name is Mani, M. Rajam, Sankar, and Samuel. Samuel is also known as “The Pea” because of his height.

What is the significance of the title Swami and Friends?

The central theme of the novel is growing up of young Swami. He is a spontaneous, impulsive, mischievous and yet a very innocent child. His character is a child in the fullest sense of the world. Through Swami’s eyes the reader gets to peak in to the pre-independence days in South India.

What is a tail Swami and Friends summary?

However, his three friends barely acknowledge Swami and refuse to let him join their game. They call Swami a “tail,” saying that it means “a long thing that attaches itself to an ass or a dog.” Swami doesn’t know what this means but he feels upset and embarrassed.

What happens when Swami goes to the headmaster to give father’s letter to him?

When swami goes to the headmaster he didn’t gave his father’s letter to him b’coz the headmaster was gone for a holiday break. Hope this helps you dear!!

Why was Swaminathan confused about the sum his father had given him?

Answer: Swaminathan was confused because he could not decide if Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter. The more he thought of Samuel, the more Swami grieved for him.

How did Swaminathan feel when he saw the word tale written on the blackboard?

Answer: The moment when Swaminathan entered the class he saw the word ‘tail’ written on the board and this made him very angry. Then after this he had a severe fight with the student who wrote that they fought in the playground and after fighting for a while their fight was stopped by the Headmaster of the school.

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