What modifier goes first 24 or 25?

What modifier goes first 24 or 25?

The 24 modifier is appropriate because the E/M service is unrelated and during the postoperative period of the major surgery. The 25 modifier is necessary to identify that the minor surgery/procedure performed on the same day is separately identifiable from the E/M service.

What does 24 modifier indicate?

Modifier 24 is defined as an unrelated evaluation and management service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional during a post-operative period. Medicare defines same physician as physicians in the same group practice who are of the same specialty.

Does modifier 24 affect reimbursement?

Modifier 24 does affect how the claim is processed and reimbursed.

Does Medicare recognize modifier 24?

Medicare defines same physician as physicians in the same group practice who are of the same specialty. In this instance they must bill and be paid as though they were a single physician. Modifier 24 is applied to two code sets: E/M (Evaluation and management) services (99201-99499).

Can you have a 24 and 25 modifier together?

Both the 24 and 25 modifiers are appropriate to add to the E/M code. The 24 modifier is appropriate because the E/M service is unrelated and during the postoperative period of the major surgery.

What modifier identifies the medical direction for the anesthesiologist?

Anesthesia modifiers

Modifier Description
AA Anesthesia services personally performed by the anesthesiologist
AD Supervision, more than four procedures
QK Medical direction of two, three, or four concurrent anesthesia procedures
QX Qualified non-physician anesthetist with medical direction by a physician

Can you bill modifier 24 and 57 together?

E/M service resulting in initial decision to perform major surgery is furnished during post-operative period of another unrelated procedure, then the E/M service must be billed with both the 24 and 57 modifiers.

Can you bill modifier 24 and 25 together?

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