What theory is Peter trudgill known for?

What theory is Peter trudgill known for?

TRUDGILL’S DETERMINISTIC THEORY. Trudgill’s deterministic theory is intended to apply only to a very specific type of language change: new-dialect formation as a result of dialect mixture in a community isolated from other speakers of the same language (what Trudgill calls a “tabula rasa” situation [Trudgill, 2004:26]) …

What is dialectology explain with examples?

dialectology, the study of dialects. Variation most commonly occurs as a result of relative geographic or social isolation and may affect vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation (accent). Such work on the geographic patterns of linguistic variation is also known as linguistic geography.

What is urban dialectology of social dialectology?

Rural dialectology concentrates on the relationships between language and. geography, and on the spatial differences of language, but URBAN. DIALECTOLOGY concentrates more on the relationship between language and such. social features as social class, age group, ethnic background etc.

What is traditional dialectology?

The study of DIALECTS, that is, of variant features within a language, their history, differences of form and meaning, interrelationships, distribution, and, more broadly, their spoken as distinct from their literary forms. In traditional dialectology the collection of data is the primary requirement. …

What did trudgill study?

Peter Trudgill, Norwich. Norwich speech was studied by Peter Trudgill in the 1970s to find out how and why people’s ways of speaking varied. One of the variables Trudgill studied was the final consonant in words like walking, running. In standard British English, the sound spelled -ng is a velar nasal.

What 2 categories does Peter trudgill believe we can classify dialectal words into?

There are regional dialects and there are two types; Traditional Dialects and Mainstream Dialects. Traditional Dialects are spoken by a minority of the population.

What is the purpose of dialectology?

Dialectology has as an aim to examine and document the variance in sounds (phonetics and phonology), grammar (morphology and syntax), and lexicon within a given geographic area (dialect geography) or social group (social dialectology).

What is the difference between dialect and dialectology?

is that dialect is (linguistics) a variety of a language (specifically, often a spoken variety) that is characteristic of a particular area, community or group, often with relatively minor differences in vocabulary, style, spelling and pronunciation while dialectology is the study of dialects.

What is the history of dialectology?

Dialect study as a discipline—dialectology—dates from the first half of the 19th century, when local dialect dictionaries and dialect grammars first appeared in western Europe. Soon thereafter, dialect maps were developed; most often they depicted the division of a language’s territory into regional dialects.

What is the objective of perceptual dialectology studies?

Perceptual dialectology investigates what ordinary people (as opposed to professional linguists) believe about the distribution of language varieties in their own and surrounding speech communities and how they have arrived at and implement those beliefs.

What standard English is not trudgill?

Trudgill is arguing against the idea that Standard English is a language, style, accent or register. He later argues that Standard English is a dialect. What examples does the author use? Trudgill argues that language cannot be defined, only characterised.

What was Labov’s hypothesis?

Labov believed that the higher the social class of a speaker, the more frequent the occurrence of rhotic /r/ in speech. Labov’s sample of participants included a variety of social classes.

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