When was my taurus G2C made?
The gun was introduced in 2013 and was designed to be marketed towards concealed carriers and law enforcement officers looking for an affordable backup weapon to carry off duty. People absolutely love the millennium G2C for its size.
What model is Taurus Judge?
Original version of the Taurus Judge (blued finish) There have been two model number designations for this firearm, the 4410 (no longer produced) and the 4510 (current). Both model numbers are essentially the same revolver, and any 4410 or 4510 will yield basically the same performance.
When did Taurus buy Beretta?
The Taurus PT-92 and PT-99 9mm pistols were the result of Taurus purchasing a Beretta factory located in Brazil in 1974. This included including everything that factory owned: drawings, tools, machinery, and work force.
How to find out the manufacture date of a Taurus revolver?
I have seen many questions submitted about Taurus revolvers, and, their date of manufacture. Here is a link to a page on their web site that allows you to enter your serial number and search. If on file, it will tell you the date of manufacture. It works most of the time.
Where do I find the model number on my Taurus?
For those unaware, It’s at the bottom of the Home page under Customer Service. click Find My Model. Very helpful, thanks! Im new here just got a new pt1911 today it has a slide with no markings on it at all but the serial number and the small Taurus marking on left side and 1911 .45acp on the right.
Are there any guns that don’t fit the Taurus chart?
Never have seen any evidence that if came from Taurus. Anyway I have seen several examples of guns that do not fit the chart. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
How to check if a Taurus card is legit?
If you’ve done the the warranty registration on the site or sent the card, it should be fine. You can always call Taurus Customer Service to get the info, their internal system is much more accurate than the website. “I am a better American today because of Barack Obama.