Where is the Wolfcamp Shale?

Where is the Wolfcamp Shale?

The Wolfcamp Shale, a Wolfcampian-age organic-rich formation, extends in the subsurface in all three sub-basins of the Permian Basin (Delaware Basin, Midland Basin, and Central Basin Platform) and is the most prolific oil and natural gas-bearing tight formation contained within (Dolton et al., 1979; Dutton et al., 2005 …

What is Wolfcamp Shale?

The Wolfcamp Shale is an oil and gas formation found throughout the Permian Basin. It is important to note that the Wolfcamp Shale (Wolfcamp A, B, C, D) can be found in all three basins, the Midland, Delaware and Central basin platforms at varying depths.

How much oil does the Permian Basin have left?

The Permian Basin is one of the oldest and most well-known hydrocarbon-producing areas. Since the first well drilled in the basin in July of 1920, over 30 billion barrels of crude have been recovered, with experts predicting there are at least 20 billion barrels remaining.

What is the Wolfcamp formation?

The Wolfcamp formation is a complex unit consisting mostly of organic- rich shale and argillaceous carbonates intervals near the basin edges. Depth, thickness, and lithology vary significantly across the basin extent. Depositional and diagenetic processes control this formation heterogeneity.

Which country has the largest shale oil resources?

Major oil shale deposits are located in China, which has an estimated total of 32 billion metric tons, of which 4.4 billion metric tons are technically exploitable and economically feasible.

What is the Wolfcamp Shale?

The Wolfcamp Shale is an oil and gas formation found throughout the Permian Basin. ( See Permian Basin Geologic Break down below.) Historically, development in the Permian has been mostly vertical. In the last few years, however, companies have shifted focus to horizontal development.

Where is the dealware basin Wolfcamp?

Most of the activity is currently focused on the Southern Portion (Texas) of the Dealware Basin Wolfcamp. Here are other resources Shale Experts offers for the Wolfcamp. The majority of these resources are updated on a daily or weekly basis.

What is the Delaware Wolfcamp?

The Delaware Wolfcamp is largely a horizontal oil play–with the exception of some combined Wolfbone verticals–with a median hydrocarbon mix similar to the Bone Spring at 60% crude, 20% wet gas and 20% dry gas. Most of the activity is currently focused on the Southern Portion (Texas) of the Dealware Basin Wolfcamp.

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