Which of the following is an example of exception handling in JSP using JSTL?

Which of the following is an example of exception handling in JSP using JSTL?

It is used for Catches any Throwable exceptions that occurs in the body and optionally exposes it. Let’s see the simple example of c:catch tag: <%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core” prefix=”c” %>

How do we catch exception and process it using JSTL?

JSTL Core Tag

  1. JSTL tag is used in exception handling.
  2. variable_name can be any variable in which exception message would be stored.
  3. Note: If there is no exception in the block of statements in then the variable (in example it’s errormsg) should have null value.

What is JSTL in JSP with example?

The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) is a collection of useful JSP tags which encapsulates the core functionality common to many JSP applications. JSTL has support for common, structural tasks such as iteration and conditionals, tags for manipulating XML documents, internationalization tags, and SQL tags.

How can we handle exception in JSP?

There are three ways to catch an exception in JSP pages:

  1. Using error page and isErrorPage. Syntax: <%@ page errorPage=”exception.jsp” %>
  2. Try and Catch Block. This method is known for catching exceptions directly using a try and catch block like core java. Example:
  3. Using web. xml configuration.

Is Jstl catch tag is used to handle exception and forward the page to the error page?

JSTL catch tag is used to handle exception and forward the page to the error page.

What is isErrorPage in JSP?

The isErrorPage attribute indicates that the current JSP can be used as the error page for another JSP. The value of isErrorPage is either true or false. The default value of the isErrorPage attribute is false.

Which of the following can be included using JSP include action?

Difference between jsp include directive and include action

JSP include directive JSP include action
includes resource at translation time. includes resource at request time.
better for static pages. better for dynamic pages.
includes the original content in the generated servlet. calls the include method.

What is the difference between JSTL and JSP?

JSP lets you even define your own tags (you must write the code that actually implement the logic of those tags in Java). JSTL is just a standard tag library provided by Sun (well, now Oracle) to carry out common tasks (such as looping, formatting, etc.).

What is JSTL used for?

JavaServer Pages Tag Library (JSTL) is a set of tags that can be used for implementing some common operations such as looping, conditional formatting, and others.

How are the JSP requests handled?

How JSP Requests Are Handled

  • A browser requests a page with a .
  • WebLogic Server reads the request.
  • Using the JSP compiler, WebLogic Server converts the JSP into a servlet class that implements the javax.
  • The generated JspPage servlet class is invoked to handle the browser request.

How does JSP handle run time exceptions?

Any runtime error encountered during execution of a JSP page is handled using the standard Java exception mechanism in one of two ways: You can catch and handle exceptions in a Java scriptlet within the JSP page itself, using standard Java exception-handling code.

Which Jstl provide support for string manipulation?

The functions tags provide support for string manipulation and string length. The URL for the functions tags is http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions and prefix is fn.

How to handle exception handling in JSP?

JSP provide 3 different ways to perform exception handling: 1 Using isErrorPage and errorPage attribute of page directive. 2 Using <error-page> tag in Deployment Descriptor. 3 Using simple try…catch block.

What is tag in JSTL?

JSTL tag is used in handling unusual situations that cause errors. It is implemented to catch any throwable exception that occurs in the program body during run time. The name of the variable in which the exception message will be stored. In this example, we are making an arithmetic exception by intentionally dividing the integer by zero.

What is the use of C Catch in JSP?

JSP – JSTL Core Tag JSTL tag is used in handling unusual situations that cause errors. It is implemented to catch any throwable exception that occurs in the program body during run time.

What is @errorerrorpage in JSP?

errorPage=”path/to/error/handling/page”: Used in the JSP page in which exceptions might occur. This specifies an alternate JSP page which is written solely for handling exceptions such as showing exception class name, error message and exception stack trace.

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