Who is JoJo Baer?

Who is JoJo Baer?

Jo Baer has engaged in an ongoing commitment to painting for over five decades. In the 1960s and 70s, she explored non-objectivity in her black and white hard-edge paintings as part of the New York Minimalist movement. She left New York for Europe in 1975, eventually settling in Amsterdam after years spent in Ireland and London.

Where to see Jo Baer’s art?

Jo Baer: The Risen / Originals, Pace Gallery, 540 West 25th Street, New York, November 6–December 19, 2020. (Exhibition book) Jo Baer: Rats and Horses, Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin, May 15–July 11, 2020.

When did Josephine Baer start painting?

Josephine Gail Baer (born August 7, 1929) is an American painter associated with minimalist art. She began exhibiting her work at the Fischbach Gallery, New York, and other venues for contemporary art in the mid-1960s. In the mid-1970s, she turned away from non-objective painting.

When did Joshua Baer start drawing?

Their son, Joshua Baer, who became an art dealer, writer, and consultant, was born in 1955; the couple was divorced in the late 1950s. During this time Baer began to paint and draw for the first time since adolescence, becoming friends with Edward Kienholz and other local artists in the orbit of the Ferus Gallery.

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