Who wrote Cannonball by Lea Michele?

Who wrote Cannonball by Lea Michele?

Benny BlancoMikkel Storleer EriksenTor Erik Hermansen

Who wrote the Wabash Cannonball song?

William Kindt
A. P. Carter
Wabash Cannonball/Composers

What is cannonball metastases?

Large, round, well-circumscribed metastatic pulmonary nodules are called ‘cannon ball’ metastases. They are usually associated with disseminated malignancy. They indicate a poor prognosis although rarely few cases with favourable outcome have been reported.

Who has covered cannonball?


Title Performer Info
Cannonball Natalie Imbruglia Editor’s cover song pick
Cannonball John Adams [GB2]
Cannonball Tom Dice
Cannonball Chlara Acoustic

How does a cannonball work?

There is a small hole for a fuse drilled through the tube. You load gunpowder into the tube from the open end of the cannon and then insert a cannon ball so that the gunpowder and ball are pressed against the plugged end. The explosion shoots the cannonball away from the cannon at high speed.

Why is a train called a cannonball?

The train was named after the song “Wabash Cannonball”. It was the second train to bear the name “Cannon Ball”, the first was the fast express Cannon Ball which ran in the late 1800s to early 20th century….Wabash Cannon Ball (train)

Track gauge 4 ft 81⁄2 in (1,435 mm)
showRoute map

How long is the Wabash Cannonball Trail?

66 mile
The WABASH CANNONBALL TRAIL is a 66 mile multi-use recreational trail in Northwest Ohio. It provides non-motorized access to hikers, bikers, equestrians, and cross-country skiers. The 12 foot wide trail surface varies within the different jurisdictions, from asphalt to hard packed cinder ballast.

What is another word for cannonball?

What is another word for cannonball?

ball grapeshot
shell shot
stone round shot
solid shot chain shot
bullet ammunition

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