Why are turtle eggs illegal?

Why are turtle eggs illegal?

On many Central American beaches, poachers destroy more than 90% of sea turtle nests to sell the eggs into the illegal wildlife trade. The eggs are smuggled to cities where they are eaten as a delicacy in restaurants and bars. This wildlife crime is devastating for endangered sea turtles.

Is it illegal to eat sea turtle eggs?

Despite laws protecting sea turtles in most countries, the illegal trade of eggs, meat, and shells of turtles continues to be a major threat to their survival. These animals are harvested for their meat and eggs which are used for human consumption and in some places are considered a delicacy.

Do turtles lay fake eggs?

Sea turtles lay large groups of eggs, called “clutches”, under the sand on beaches. The eggs face many challenges, both natural and man-made. She then worked with other scientists to create the decoy (fake egg). They use a special material to 3D-print a ball about the size and shape of a squishy ping-pong ball.

What is the overall aim of learning about the trafficking chain *?

The overall aim of using the fake eggs is to understand who the sellers and buyers of sea turtle eggs are and help educate people about how their actions endanger the species’ survival.

How much do sea turtle eggs cost?

An estimated tens of thousands of sea turtle eggs are stolen each year, but arrests are rare. Poachers generally sell the loot — which are a threatened species — for $3 to $5 per egg, according to wildlife authorities.

Why are sea turtle eggs valuable?

FWC officials said the market for sea turtle eggs is thriving. Once poachers have the eggs, they sell them to a close-knit group for food. In some areas, sea turtle eggs are seen as a delicacy and even an aphrodisiac.

Where can you find sea turtle eggs?

Sea turtles use beaches and the lower dunes to nest and lay their eggs. Sea turtles deposit an average of about 100 eggs in each nest and lay between 3 and 7 nests during the nesting season. Along a 20-mile stretch of beach on the east coast of Florida, sea turtles lay over 150,000 lbs of eggs in the sand.

Do turtles make fake nests?

Female sea turtles scatter sand around where they have laid their eggs, not to camouflage the site but to distract predators with ‘fake’ nests. Previously it was thought that this activity was a means of camouflaging the nest site from egg predators. …

What do traffickers look for in victims?

Targeting the Victim Traffickers are adept at identifying people with noticeable vulnerabilities or needs. They may scour specific locations such as bus stations, shelters, or local malls looking for someone without a safe place to stay or who they may be able to charm with their flattery and attention.

What is the color for human trafficking awareness?

By “wearing”the Blue Heart you will raise awareness of human trafficking and join the campaign to fight this crime.

Where do sea turtles lay their eggs in Costa Rica?

Year after year, they return to the same Costa Rica beaches to lay their eggs. One of the most spectacular displays of this is the arribada, or the annual arrival of hundreds of thousands of sea turtles to lay their eggs under the new moon.

Is it legal to collect sea turtle eggs?

Millions of turtle eggs are legally collected and sold by the residents of the community of Ostional every nesting season under the supervision of the rangers and biologists at the refuge. There are both good and bad aspects to legally harvesting sea turtle eggs and we believe the good far outweigh the bad.

Are sea turtles endangered in Costa Rica?

The remaining three sea turtles found in Costa Rica are endangered. The green sea turtle is primarily found in Tortuguero National Park, the largest nesting site for green sea turtles in the Western Hemisphere. The leatherback sea turtle is the largest sea turtle in the world weighing over 1,200 lbs.

What is the olive ridley refuge in Costa Rica?

The main attraction within the refuge is Ostional Beach, the largest of two locations in Costa Rica where the annual arribada, or the arrival of olive ridley sea turtles takes place. This unique phenomenon only occurs in nine locations around the world!

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