Why have I got shooting pains in my left arm?
A pain in your left arm could mean you have a bone or joint injury, a pinched nerve, or a problem with your heart. Read on to learn more about the causes of left arm pain and what symptoms could signal a serious problem.
Does your forearm hurt with heart attack?
A: Yes, symptoms of heart attack can include pain in the right arm, left arm, or both arms.
Why do I keep getting pain in my forearm?
muscle strain, often from playing a sport such as tennis or golf. overuse injuries, such as injury from excess computer use. poor posture, such as poor neck posture or your shoulders curving slightly forward, which can compress the nerves in your forearm.
Why is there a dull pain in my left forearm?
Share on Pinterest Although dull pain in the left arm is sometimes a sign of a heart attack, it can also indicate an injury, a pinched nerve, or carpal tunnel syndrome.
When should I worry about left arm pain?
Left arm pain — without chest pain — may be a dull ache or a shooting pain, and it may accompany other symptoms, such as headaches and muscle weakness. If the pain is severe or persistent, see a doctor. Seek emergency care if the pain results from trauma or if there are any symptoms of a stroke or heart attack.
Which arm hurts when you have a stroke?
In some cases, left arm pain and numbness may indicate a heart attack or stroke. These medical emergencies require immediate attention.
What causes sharp shooting pain in left arm?
Many conditions can cause sharp pain in the left arm. Structures outside the arm, such as tissues in the shoulder, neck and chest, can also cause arm pain. Postherpetic neuralgia can cause sharp pain in the left arm. It is a painful condition that affects the nerves and skin.
How to relieve forearm pain?
R.I.C.E method for forearm pain relief. Doctors from the Mayo Clinic recommend using the R.I.C.E.
What causes sudden pain in left arm?
Pain in the left arm can be due to many causes, ranging from a pulled muscle to a massive heart attack. Sometimes more vague symptoms occur, such as shortness of breath, nausea, indigestion, dizziness, unusual sweating or a racing heartbeat. If left arm pain persists for a long time, it is less likely to be related to a heart problem.
What causes sharp pain in the forearm?
Tendonitis occurs when a tendon or its sheath inside the forearm or in the wrist becomes inflamed. This generally occurs as a result of repetitively straining of the hand, such as from playing tennis, typing and in factory production line work. The inflammation can cause severe pain from the hand all the way up to the elbow.