Why would someone have a metal cage on their leg?
This system helps provide a structural support to the limb and holds the broken bone fragments together so healing can take place over a period of time. It may be necessary to have this frame on your limb for a number of months. An Ilizarov frame is used to: help heal complex fractures (complicated broken bones)
How long does Ilizarov surgery take?
Removal of the frame occurs under a general anaesthetic. This takes from 10 minutes to one hour. You usually go through our Day Surgery Unit and are able to go home the same day.
How is Ilizarov fixator useful?
The Ilizarov external fixators can be used to correct angular deformity in the leg, to correct leg-length differences, and treat non-unions. In most developing countries it is a highly specialized technique used mainly for deformity correction by experienced surgeons due to its complexity.
How painful is an external fixator?
The average pain prior to fixator removal was of 3.61. Shortly after the procedure, the patients reported that, on average, the most intense pain scored 6.68, and the least intense pain, 2.25 points.
How do you sleep with an external fixator on your leg?
The fixator adds extra weight and increased time to maneuver as you go about your day. Your sleep will be limited to one position – your back. Elevate the limb with the external device for comfort and security. You may want to sleep with the fixator frame cover on to avoid ripping the sheets.
Do external fixators hurt?
Symptoms after External Fixation of the Lower Leg During the months you have external fixators inserted into your lower leg you will be given elbow crutches to provide protection, support and independence. You will experience pain in the area of insertion along with abnormal sensations.
Can you weight bear with an external fixator?
Weight-Bearing Precautions Many patients are weight-bearing as tolerated with the external fixator. This means they can walk normally on the fixator, but they cannot run or jump. Weight-bearing status should be confirmed by Dr. Paley or one of the PAs after surgery.
Is bone lengthening painful?
Will Limb Lengthening Hurt? During surgery, you’ll be under anesthesia, so you won’t feel a thing. Whether you use the lengthening rod inside the bone or the external fixator, there is soreness as the bone and muscles lengthen. Your doctor will be able to give you medication to minimize the pain.