How far apart do you plant Carex?

How far apart do you plant Carex?

no soft new growth. The spacing between plants is ideally 1.5 metres. The planting hole needs to be deeper and wider than the plant’s root system.

Does Carex plant spread?

It makes a graceful, arching clump that doesn’t spread. It’s ideal for growing in perennial container displays as a foil for brightly coloured flowers, and also looks good planted beside ponds or at the edge of borders.

Where does Carex grow?

Most carex prefer reliably moist soil in sun or light shade. A few like wet soil, with others preferring acid soil. Bronze-leaved varieties produce their best leaf colour when grown in sun.

Is Carex fast growing?

CAREX obnupta CA native. Semi-tuft forming sedge, growing from dense, creeping rhizomes. Usually found in moist coastal sites. Fast growing, can be used to provides erosion control & streambank stabilization.

How do you grow Carex?

Carex Plant Care Sedge prefers a moist, well-drained soil with part shade. Very easy to maintain, Carex requires little if any feeding and in early spring, cut back by 1/3 or simply tease out dead blades to spruce up appearance. Division is best done in the spring.

How long does Carex take to germinate?

Germination times of native seeds vary from 2 weeks to several months. Once seedlings are 3-5cm high, transplant into small individual pots.

When can I transplant Carex?

This sedge can do well in any average garden soil, but it prefers moist, slightly acidic soil and dry shade. This type of grass may be transplanted either in the autumn or in the springtime.

Can Carex take full sun?

While they prefer moist, well-drained soil, some Carex can also tolerate drought like conditions in partial sun to shade once they’ve been established. It prefers well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade.

How fast does Pennsylvania sedge spread?

between 3-8″ each year
It is sought-after for its look of a traditional lawn and for its dry-soil tolerance and ability to grow in full sun or full shade. To get a solid stand of this hardy sedge that so many desire, divide plants over the years It will spread between 3-8″ each year depending on the soil moisture of the site.

Can Carex grow in full sun?

Carex pansa The foliage is evergreen in mild climates and grows well in full sun to partial shade with regular to occasional water. Too much drought causes summer dormancy.

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