Do the animals show respect to their ancestors who lived thousands of years ago?

Do the animals show respect to their ancestors who lived thousands of years ago?

No Respect for Ancestors: No animal shows respect by kneeling down to another animal. Nor do they show any respect to the ancestors of their race. These are the pretensions of human beings and not that of animals.

Why does the poet get sick?

What makes the poet sick? Answer: The fact, that humans commit all kinds of sins and still discuss their duty to God, makes the poet sick. This shows the hypocrisy of humans, who on one hand do wrong and on the other pray to God.

How do they feel for their sins?

They do not sweat and whine about their condition, They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins, They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God.

What sets humans apart from animals?

Humans are unusual animals by any stretch of the imagination. Our special abilities, from big brains to opposable thumbs, have allowed us change our world dramatically and even leave the planet. There are also odd things about us that are, well, just special in relation to the rest of the animal kingdom.

How does the poet describe the movement of snake?

Answer : The poet described the movement of the snake, by calling it graceful and beautiful. Its movements captivate the poet’s attention as it glides through the water to hide itself and disappear into reeds. Also, a green snake is not venomous and hence not harmful.

What mania do humans suffer from?

Human beings suffer from the mania of owning or possessing things. The chapter talked about in question is a poem named Animals. It is written by Walt Whitman, who is an American poet. The poem compares humans with animals.

What are the three things that humans do and animals don t?

-Humans lie awake at night and cry for the wrongs they have done. Animals do not weep for anything they do and sleep peacefully. -Finally humans make each other sick by discussing their duties to God. However animals do not have any God and they live and survive without any prayers or fasts.

Why does the poet want to live with animal?

Poet wants to turn into animals and live with them because they are innocent, calm and quiet. They are self satisfied and happy in their surroundings. They are more loving and caring than humans. It is because animals are calm.

What quality have the human given up?

innocence. kindness. truthfulness.

What do humans do that animals dont animal poem?

The poet has drawn three comparisons between humans and animals. -Humans sweat and work hard to make a living and later whine and sulk about the amount of work they have to do to survive. Animals, on the other hand, do not whine about their condition. Animals do not weep for anything they do and sleep peacefully.

Why do they weep for their sins?

Answer. Answer: Weep for their sins is a term used by the poet Walt Whitman which depicts the typical human nature of commiting sins or mistakes and then trying to improve upon their misdeeds by praying to God, visiting temples and practicing meaningless rituals which are nothing but forms of pure torture to the self.

What is the attitude of the animals for their sins?

Their conscience is not clear and so they suffer from nightmares and weep for their sins. Animals, on the other hand, are calm, self-contained and contented. They don’t run after material things other than their food. They don’t need to worship God as they never suffer from any sense of guilt or sin.

Why do humans keep awake in the dark and wake for the sin?

Human beings have become mad running after material possessions. They are a bundle of complications, contradictions and confusions. Their conscience is not clear and so they suffer from nightmares and weep for their sins. Animals, on the other hand, are calm, self-contained and contented.

Do humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of year ago?

How do humans respect their fellow humans?

Answer: Respect (that is, moral recognition respect) is the acknowledgment in attitude and conduct of the dignity of persons as ends in themselves. Respect for such beings is not only appropriate but also morally and unconditionally required: the status and worth of persons is such that they must always be respected.

Do humans kneel to other humans?

Yes, humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago. They worship their ancestors and pray by kneeling in front of their portraits. They hold religious sermons and ceremonies in their memory.

Why do humans lie awake in the dark Mcq?

Why do humans keep awake in the dark and weep for their sins while animals never do such things? (a) Because animals have a clear conscience. Answer: (b) Because humans have a clear conscience.

Why does the poet admire animals more than humans?

Answer: The poet feels more at home with animals than with human beings. It is because he thinks that none of the animals is discontented about its condition. Moreover, like humanbeings the animals are not crazy about possessing the material things.

Why does Walt Whitman like animals?

Walt Whitman is very fond of the company of animals. The poet desires to live among the animals because according to him animals are calm and self-sufficient. They do not whine and weep about their conditions. Animals always express their love and respect for human beings.

What is human quality?

A human quality is defined as something a person has that makes them human. Some examples of human qualities include the ability to ask questions, human DNA and a spoken language. It can be argued that some animals possess human qualities. Some scientists believe, for example that dolphins have their own language.

How according to the poet are animals superior to humans?

The poet thinks that animals are better than human. Humans do not whine about their condition or regret about any past sins. Unlike a human being animals do not worship anyone like themselves they are not worried about the earthly things. Considering THIS the poet feels that animals are superior to human.

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