How many zones are in Washington DC?

How many zones are in Washington DC?

The city is split into eight different parking zones, and only residents with a corresponding parking permit may park on most streets in those zones.

What is r2 zoning in Washington DC?

The purpose of the R-2 (multifamily residential) zoning district is to provide for medium- to high-density housing in multiple-family structures and their directly related complementary and accessory uses.

What does Zone r1 B mean?

Intermediate Density Single-Family Residential District
Intermediate Density Single-Family Residential District (R1B). The R1B zoning district is intended for areas appropriate for single-family detached homes and secondary residential units.

What is rf 1 zoning DC?

The purpose of the RF-1 zone is to provide for areas predominantly developed with attached row houses on small lots within which no more than 2 dwelling units are permitted. In the RF-1 Zone, 2 dwelling units may be located within the principal structure or 1 each in the principal structure and an accessory structure.

What is MU 4 zoning in Washington DC?

Mixed-Use (MU) Zones – MU-4 The MU-4 zone is a mixed-use zone that is intended to be applied throughout the city consistent with the density designation of the Comprehensive Plan. A zone may be applied to more than 1 density designation.

What is R3 zoning in BC?

Type(s) Zoning Bylaw # 5000, 2003. The purpose is to provide a zone for single detached housing, and compatible secondary uses, on medium sized urban serviced lots. The R3c sub-zoning district allows for care centre, major as an additional use.

What is r4 zoning in BC?

The purpose is to provide a zone for single detached housing, and compatible uses, on smaller urban serviced lots. The R4c sub-zoning district allows for care centre, major as an additional use. The R4h sub-zoning district allows for home based business, major as an additional use.

What does Zone Ra 5 mean?

Residential Agricultural Zone
Residential Agricultural Zone (RA-5). The Residential Agricultural Zone (RA-5) is established to provide areas where general agricultural uses can occur independently or in conjunction with a single-family residence, that preserves the agricultural character of the area.

What is r4 zoning Washington DC?

Residential Flat (RF) Zone – RF-4 The purpose of the RF-4 zone is to provide for areas predominantly developed with attached row houses of 3 or more stories and within which may also exist a mix of apartment buildings.

What is RF4 zone?

RF4 zoning is a residential bylaw in Edmonton, Alberta that permits the building of group homes, minor home businesses, suites, duplexes, houses, and some signage. Another name for RF4 zoning is Semi-detached Residential Zoning.

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