Is there a subreddit for asking questions?

Is there a subreddit for asking questions?

AskReddit, sometimes stylized as Ask Reddit or Ask Reddit…, is a subreddit where users can submit open-ended questions to which other users can then reply with answers.

How do I join a Reddit AMA?

Submit AMA on r/IAmA 30 minutes before your scheduled time: Tweet out the link to your AMA from your personal Twitter handle. Also, if you’re active on other channels, post the AMA on your Facebook or on your LinkedIn.

How do you explain like im 5?

Where does ELI5 come from? ELI5 stands for the phrase, “Explain Like I’m 5.” The 5 refers to a five-year-old child, the implication being that the person requesting the explanation has a limited or naive understanding of the issue.

Is Reddit a good place for advice?

While this may seem like an untraditional way to get relationship advice, a lot of people find the anonymity of Reddit very comforting. The relationship advice subreddit is a popular place for people struggling with diverse issues to get advice from other users.

How do you search questions on Reddit?

If you’re using the old Reddit design, the search bar is in the top-right. If you’re using the new Reddit design, it’s at the very top in the middle. Type what you want to see in here and press Enter to search. When you use the search bar, Reddit will pull up subreddits, users, and posts that contain your search term.

How does Reddit Ask Me Anything Work?

Concept. IAmA is based around posting “AMAs” (for “Ask Me Anything”), or similarly “AMAAs” (Ask Me Almost/Absolutely Anything) – prompts for others to ask questions about any topic. AMAs are open to all Reddit users, but interviewees require proof that they are who/what they claim to be.

How do I host an Ask Me Anything?

Why Host An Ask Me Anything Webinar?

  1. Invite The Best Speaker.
  2. Have A Great Moderator.
  3. Be Prepared With Question and Answers.
  4. Use The Tools & Features Available To You.
  5. Do A Dry Run Prior To Your AMA Webinar.
  6. Don’t Forget The Follow-Up.
  7. Have Fun & Embrace The Risk.

What is el15?

ELI5 is a Python library which allows to visualize and debug various Machine Learning models using unified API. It has built-in support for several ML frameworks and provides a way to explain black-box models. Overview. Installation.

Where did explain like im five come from?

A Reddit user named bossgalaga created a subreddit called explainlikeimfive two months after the term first appeared on Twitter.

What is the best post on Reddit?

The Top 10 Highest-Rated Reddit Posts of All Time

  • The Senate (r/movies)
  • NYC Taxi Drivers Calendar (r/funny)
  • The Earth Is Not Flat (r/memes)
  • All News Anchors Say the Same Thing (r/videos)
  • Thirsty Frog Takes a Bath (r/aww)
  • Showing a Game to Someone Special (r/gaming)
  • Police Brutality (r/publicfreakout)

What are the best Subreddits?

The best subreddits you should subscribe to in 2021

  • r/PraiseTheCameraMan.
  • r/battlestations.
  • r/todayilearned.
  • r/RenewableEnergy.
  • r/Showerthoughts.
  • r/100yearsago.
  • r/nutrition.
  • r/nextfuckinglevel.

How do I ask a question on Reddit?

Questions must be about Reddit itself. Questions posted to /r/help must be about reddit’s features or culture. For suggestions on where to ask questions unrelated to reddit, please view the list of related subreddits in our sidebar or try r/findareddit. 2. Keep it civil. Remember the human, don’t post slurs or insults.

Why are my posts not showing up in the subreddit?

If you are a new user/trying to submit in a subreddit you have not submitted to before, please take some time to first participate in that subreddit (browse, upvote content/comments etc). If you have tried the above and your posts still do not show, please contact a moderator in the subreddit where you’re having problems.

Can a stupid question not require a stupid response?

Please allow space for the stupid questions to flow and remember that a stupid question does not require a stupid response. Can deaf people still feel the vibrations in their eardrums when a powerful boom of thunder happens?

How do I contact a subreddit moderator?

Contact subreddit moderators or use as appropriate. Reddit Inc © 2021 . All rights reserved

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