Online vs. In-Person: What’s Worth the Trip?

Digital technology has changed even the most mundane aspects of life—and especially entertainment. For example, a roulette or slots fan can access a bonus offer from Bet365 with a few clicks of their mouse or taps of their finger. Twenty years ago, only a few casinos were testing the waters with virtual platforms.

But the availability of online deals like that bet365 offer has changed entertainment. Even mundane activities like banking or ordering groceries can all be handled virtually. Today, startups zero in on their digital presence as soon as they start setting a foundation for their business. 

But all the hubbub around virtual convenience hasn’t made a huge difference in a variety of fields. More and more often, people have to ask themselves whether it’s worth it to do something in-person or stick to an online format. And, even in the case of casinos, there’s actually a lot to consider. 

So, what’s worth the trip? Let’s dive into a few common activities below.


The Casino

The brick-and-mortar casino is one of the truest vestiges of cultural legacy. Stretching back hundreds of years, social clubs acted as early gaming centers and casinos throughout Europe. Today, places like Macau and Las Vegas remain casino hubs with ties to luxury and adventure.

So, why would someone opt for an online offer like the one introduced above? It all comes down to what you want to get out of the experience. If you want to play blackjack or craps with a crowd of amicable strangers, then a live establishment is a great choice. But if you want to tinker with hardboiled strategies for hours on end, sticking to a laptop on your couch is the better option.


The Big Concert

And what about concerts? Similar to casinos, catching a live concert is about imbibing in the atmosphere. It’s about singing a favorite song with the crowd and possibly even hanging around by the exit in hopes of an autograph.

But more and more concerts today are going virtual. Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, and Travis Scott are big names who have done their own ‘v-concerts’ or virtual concerts. They’re ideal for people who can’t afford a concert and plane ticket, as well as those who may be a bit overwhelmed by screaming crowds.

Once again, as with playing casino games, it’s all about what you hope to get out of the experience. If you’re in it for the music alone, then there’s no need to gear up for an in-person event.


The Gym

So far, we’ve covered semi-social and entertainment-based events. But not all discussions about virtual versus live are focused on having fun. Once again, virtual technology ties in well with mundane life—and there’s nothing more mundane than exercise.

Today, there are dozens of top-tier options for athletes who want to work out at home. From Peloton to Jefit to The Sculpt Society, there’s a virtual gym membership for just about everyone. Best of all, these offer a great deal of personalization and customization.

So, why would someone bother with a brick-and-mortar gym membership? They’re ideal for those who need a bit of extra encouragement and discipline when it comes to reaching their fitness goals… so long as they can find an affordable option close to their home.


The Museum Tour

Casinos, v-concerts, and virtual gym clubs are just the beginning. One of the latest virtual experiences to hit headlines are museum tours. Companies from Google to Time Out offer (usually free) virtual tours of museums that showcase Picasso and street tours that showcase artists like ADNATE. 

Here, virtual tours are the clear winner. Just like attending a concert in another city could empty your bank account, so could traveling the world to experience culture—and that’s a shame considering how diverse our world’s traditions are. For this reason, many virtual museum and cultural tours are offered for free and are designed to be accessible from just about any device.

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