What does BC mean on audiogram?

What does BC mean on audiogram?

The responses to the softest tone heard with the oscillator are considered the bone conduction (BC) thresholds. The symbols used to plot the bone conduction threshold are <, [, >, ]. Hearing loss is described by the mathematical average of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz.

What is bone conduction speech audiometry?

The examination of bone conduction speech audiometry will reveal the exact bone conductive component of the hearing loss. In this way indications for surgery to improve hearing may be determined and more exact prognosis as to the postoperative hearing gain may be expressed.

What is normal speech audiometry?

Normal results would include air and bone thresholds of 25 dB or better, an MCL of approximately 50 dB, a Speech Reception Threshold of around 15 dB, a Word Recognition Score of 100% and type-A tympanometry.

What is a good word recognition score?

90 – 100%
These categories are defined as: Excellent or within normal limits = 90 – 100% on whole word scoring. Good or slight difficulty = 78 – 88% Fair to moderate difficulty = 66 – 76%

What are Audiograms typically used for?

GENERAL: Audiograms are used to diagnose and monitor hearing loss. Audiograms are created by plotting the thresholds at which a patient can hear various frequencies. Hearing loss can be divided into two categories: conductive or sensorineural.

What does AC and BC mean in hearing test?

A normal finding in pure tone audiometry, in which the threshold for hearing sounds conducted through the air—air conduction (AC)—is lower than the threshold for sounds conducted through the bones of the skull—bone conduction (BC).

What is the purpose of speech audiometry?

Speech audiometry assesses your ability to hear and comprehend spoken words. The test is usually completed in five to ten minutes and has two components – one measures your speech reception threshold (SRT) and the other determines your speech discrimination (SD) abilities.

What is the purpose of speech testing?

Speech testing is one of the more simple types of hearing loss tests used by audiologists. Speech testing measures the speech reception threshold of each ear. This type of test can be performed on older children and adults and helps to confirm the results of a pure-tone test.

What is a good WRS score?

Normal hearing and hearing impaired subjects. The number of correct words is scored out of the number of presented words to give the WRS. A score of 85-100% correct is considered normal when pure tone thresholds are normal (A), but it is common for WRS to decrease with increasing sensorineural hearing loss.

Why is speech audiometry done?

Speech audiometry provides information on word recognition and about discomfort or tolerance to speech stimuli. Speech audiometry outcomes help also in setting the gain and maximum output of hearing aids for patients with moderate to severe hearing losses.

How do you read speech audiometry results?

The numbers on the top ranking from 125 to 8000, are indicators for sounds frequencies. The higher that number, the higher is the pitch of the sound. On the left side, you can see the units for loudness, which is measured in decibels. Just as an example: A face-to-face conversation is about 65 decibels.

Why does Carhart’s Notch occur?

The peak occurs around 1200 Hz. This vibration is caused by hinging movement of ossicles due to air conduction stimulus at the level of umbo of ear drum. Decreased mobility of ossicles in this mode caused due to otosclerosis is considered to be the cause for carhart’s notch.

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