What is a laughing emoji?
Rolling on the Floor Laughing Emoji generally means that something is so funny that a person can’t contain his or her reaction. This emoji means “This is so hilarious I can’t stop laughing!”. The Rolling on the Floor Laughing Emoji appeared in 2016, and also known as the Laughing Emoji Face. Sometimes it is mentioned as the Lauging Emoji.
What is the emoji for praying hands?
Two hands placed firmly together, meaning please or thank you in Japanese culture. Other common uses for this character include prayer/praying hands, or a high-five. A previous version of this emoji displayed a yellow burst of light behind the two hands on iOS.
What are emojis images?
An emoji is a digital image that is used to express an emotion in an electronic communication such as an e-mail or text message.
What is the emoji message?
Emoji are symbols or smiley faces used during texting on a mobile phone. It is used in Japanese electronic messages and webpages, the use of which is spreading outside Japan.